America is in a funk, Gallup tells us. I can’t think why, let’s see if we can puzzle it out together:
Hyperinflation headed our way, check.

Joey and Janet managing the money supply might explain why cryptocurrencies are so hot right now.
High unemployment, check.

Because paying people not to work never fails to deliver.
Gas lines forming to the right, check.
And we didn’t even need any hostages this time to do it! Except us of course.
Higher taxes headed our way, check. But not on you! Only on rich people. And corporations.
How is this so hard for people to grasp?
Looking like a ninny to the rest of the world? Check.
Who is that masked man?
Throw in a world-wide pandemic, even if it is on the wane, and you’ve got yourself a first class case of good old fashioned malaise, the likes of which we haven’t seen since Jimmy Carter’s days. Lawdy, lawdy, lawdy. Whose fault is this anyway? I mean in addition to Trump.
In his infamous Malaise speech Jimmy Carter blamed everybody else, accusing his fellow citizens of worshipping “self-indulgence and consumption” – like staying warm in the dead of winter - and for their “fragmentation and self-interest.”
“It is a crisis of confidence. … We can see this crisis in the growing doubt about the meaning of our own lives and in the loss of a unity of purpose for our nation. The erosion of our confidence in the future is threatening to destroy the social and the political fabric of America.” – Jimmy Carter, 1979
Joey appears to be following his lead, blaming all non-POC in this country of “systemic racism” as well as “Neanderthal thinking” for not wearing face masks in Zoom meetings. Because otherwise we’re all gonna die!
“We remain in a once-in-a-century public health crisis that’s led to the most unequal job and economic crisis in modern history. And the crisis is only deepening. It’s not getting better; it’s deepening.”
Well, there’s only one way out of this Great American Malaise: tax and spend. And has Joey ever got a plan for that! His $2.3 trillion "infrastructure" plan and the $2 trillion Family Plan will fix things right up.
Honestly, this show was bad enough first time around, I don’t think America needs another season of it.
I’d really rather Make America Great Again.