Saturday, August 26, 2017

Saturday and Things Are Still Weird

Sebastian Gorka has been fired. Sherriff Joe has been pardoned.Harvey is wailing and pouring his heart out. So much weird news, so little time.

I think I’ll go for a walk in the wilderness and appreciate my insignificance for awhile.

mountain mist

Linked By: BlogsLucianneLoves, and Free Republic, Thanks!

Friday, August 25, 2017

Life Is Not Fair: FLOTUS FRIDAY 6

I thought it was nice of Chelsea Clinton to stick up for Barron Trump:

melania chelsea barron

Unfortunately poor Chels probably relates all to well to being picked on as the progeny of the President. Especially since she too arrived in the White House during her, shall we say…awkward years.

bill chels the awkward years

But let’s not get distracted. Not now when things are decidedly looking up.


Let’s stay upbeat. After all, if Hilz had won there would be no Melania to lighten the load.

flotus melania

Nor would there be the lovely first daughter Ivanka, gorgeous to gaze upon even makeup free - as she is here, taking a selfie with a fan last weekend.

ivanka makeup free with a fan

Instead we would have Hillary, shrieking at us every day from her bully pulpit as her creepy flesh made our skin crawl.

hillary clinton

And then there would be first daughter Chelsea – well, imagine her going makeup free from time to time…and we’d have to see it.


Honestly, life is so not fair. But thank you, God, for not subjecting us to a harridan president who would spend all of her time and our money trying to make it so. In the full Socialist sense.

socialism*Except for our rulers, and our would-be rulers.

I think Hillary should pack it up and head for Venezuela; they could use a new socialist president. And they’ve already got all that ‘social justice’ thing going on so it should be snap.

Linked By: Larwyn’s Linx on Doug Ross@Journal, and BlogsLucianneLoves, and Free Republic, Thanks!

Thursday, August 24, 2017

Let the Lamentations Continue

If you were to tune into Deep State Media you would hear their continuing lamentations over Washington D.C. being destroyed by Trump. Interspersed would be breathless coverage of the Summer of Resistance and grumblings about Trump’s 17 day “working vacation” – his “fifth trip in six months” - to his own golf club in Bedminster,  NJ.

Their real complaint is that they can’t all go to Martha’s Vineyard for a “17 day working vacation” like they did while covering the The Won. Indeed, the Obamas vacationed for a good part of August on this elite resort island every year they occupied the White House, with the exception of the re-election year of 2012 when it may have appeared a bit unseemly.

rosbeck_house marthas vineyardThe Obamas’ usual Martha’s Vineyard retreat

But of course when Obama went on vacation is was because he earned it, working so hard to fundamentally transform America and all.

Obama’s golf game:Missing-a-shot-on-the-first-hole golf-at-Farm-Neck-MA-550x412

Trump’s golf game:

calvin and golf Let the Lamentations continue.

Linked By: BlogsLucianneLoves, and Free Republic, Thanks!

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Rabbit Hole Wednesday–August 23, 2017

WANTED: bad actors to form a Rent-a-Mob.

paid actors

Wow, indeed. I’m so old I remember when you didn’t get paid to protest. You just showed up to show your support for the cause – like Trump’s supporters still do.

phoenix aug 17 trump

The paid protestors in Phoenix were hard to spot, as they blended right in - with each other.

toxic trump

Meanwhile, across the land, Progressives are reconsidering their position on free speech, as it no longer works exclusively for them. Professor Jennifer Delton’s piece takes us down the rabbit hole immediately as the article is titled, un-ironically, When ‘free speech’ becomes a political weapon. As WeirdDave at AOSHQ points out, ironically, THAT'S THE ENTIRE POINT OF FREE SPEECH. Read the whole thing, but not before you’ve had your morning Covfefe.


What we have is indeed a failure to communicate; a willful Deep State Media (DSM) imposed failure to communicate.

This is MOTUS, signing off from the Rabbit Hole.

dorothy and alice

See you next week when more weird shit happens.

Linked By: Larwyn’s Linx on Doug Ross@Journal, and BlogsLucianneLoves, and Free Republic, Thanks!

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

What I Learned At the Eclipse

In terms of the universe we are quite insignificant.

solar-systemSolar System rendered to scale by Roberto Ziche.

As upcountrywater pointed out, a 91% eclipse is not the same as 100%. 100% is total darkness. 91% is more like a cloud cover moving in. With 91% you don’t see the Corona, the “diamond ring,” or the dancing plasma flares. Day does not turn into night and the stars do not come out. In fact if you weren’t paying attention you most likely wouldn’t have noticed at all, (isn’t that the truth about many things?) so stealthily did the eclipse approach. And so steadfastly did the sun continue to light our world. On the other hand animals, who survive by their instincts, missed nothing. Birds and squirrels, usually very active mid-morning, were all disappeared and silent. Unlike their more sensate human co-inhabitants they bow to nature. Yet despite the lack of dramatic darkness watching the advancing moon eclipse the sun with infrared blocking glasses was still awesome and a testament to our relative place in this great universe.

The sun is a most powerful entity.

As we weren’t in the path of totality I knew it wouldn’t grow completely dark. Watching the moon march across the sun, leaving just a wee sliver moon sized slice of it unblocked, the shadows deepened appreciably, providing shade where none is ever seen on a normal sunny day. And the temperature dropped - also appreciably - at least 10 degrees. I expected that. The surprise was how totally un-dark it grew. With only 9% of it's energy available the sun was still powerful enough to keep us lit with barely noticeable dimming. You would think that would be adequate evidence to convince members of the church of global warming that it is the sun that dictates temperatures and climate trends not evil carbon dioxide. But no.

Eclipse Musicality is biased:

There are far more moon songs than sun songs. And I agree totally with Son of Rusty Shackleford: Hearts and Bones is a seriously underrated album. I know Paul Simon is a useless lib politically but his lyrical skill is above reproach. I’m hard pressed to pick a favorite from this particular album but I am partial to Train in the Distance

But from time to time he makes her laugh
She cooks a meal of two
Everybody loves the sound of a train in the distance
Everybody thinks it's true

What is the point of this story
What information pertains
The thought that life could be better
Is woven indelibly
Into our hearts and our brains

Birds of a feather flock together:

birds of a feather

Solar eclipses have virtually no effect of politics. Reaction to the President’s speech on Afghanistan pretty much fall along the usual partisan lines. And so it goes, life back to normal.

I highly recommend partaking of the next eclipse to venture our way if, God willing, we’re all still here.

Linked By: BlogsLucianneLoves, and Free Republic, Thanks!

Monday, August 21, 2017

Prepare To Be Amazed

Today we bear witness to precisely how much control man has over God’s universe:


That’s right, exactly…none. But hey, if any of the brilliant scientists who believe we can slow down, reverse, or halt global warming/cooling want to take a crack at stopping the eclipse, be my guest. Could be a good trial run to see how well toilet paper restrictions, cow fart mediation and forced public transportation will work to stop climate change in its tracks.

IMG_20170819_133707248_HDRShot by MOTUS on I-80, Saturday, August 19, 2017, somewhere in Wyoming along the path of totality.

My initial thoughts: (trigger warning - micro-aggression ahead!) if your foot soldiers in mankind’s war against global warming/cooling need to be told by their government to turn their lights on while driving through a TOTAL ECLIPSE OF THE SUN they may not have the right stuff to become masters of the universe.

Raj and I decided to avoid the crowds and hassles of pursuing the total eclipse and settle for a backyard party feting the 91% partial eclipse occurring in the gentle climes of Park City. I’m certain it will be almost as awesome. And even if not, we can sleep in, make a pitcher of bloody Mary’s to share with our neighbors, along with some deviled eggs and smoked trout and observe one of God’s most amazing astrological events. Without ever leaving home.


Prepare to be amazed.

Linked By: Larwyn’s Linx on Doug Ross@Journal, and BlogsLucianneLoves, and Free Republic, Thanks!

Sunday, August 20, 2017

Keep Your Ear Tuned To The Beating Of Your Heart


I think it wise to remember that pure Evil is behind the Antifa (aka “Resist” - previously known as Occupy and God-only-knows what else) movement, as it is dedicated to making this country ungovernable (per the Cloward-Plivin plan).

The Soros-backed Democrat terror group known as “Antifa” is leading what many are calling “The Resistance.”

The idiotic, self-destructive fight against President Trump and his America First agenda.

Their goal?

To make America “ungovernable” for the president of the United States. Read the rest here.

And while it’s easy to become demoralized by these well organized, idiotic thugs remember that they are not the only birds of a feather out there. I take this opportunity to repost this reflection on murmurations. Stay strong, my little flock:

Murmurations: Originally posted September 25, 2016

I’m feeling a bit whimsical today so this flight of fancy is perfect. Photographer Dylan Winter captures the glorious “murmurations” of several hundred thousand starlings as they rise and fall, arc and plane in self-organizing choreography on their way home for the night.

Can you hear the sound of a half million wings beating in unison? That’s known as a murmuration, my friend.

I have found evidence of other equally impressive self-organizing “murmurations” where birds of a feather  flock together.  I know these have been posted before butt watch the whole thing anyway; it’s almost like going to church.

Can you hear it? The sound of millions of hearts beating in unison? That’s known as a murmuration, my friend.

When the beating of your heart
Echoes the beating of the drums
There is a life about to start
When tomorrow comes!

AlainDelorme_Murmuration03Murmurations #6, Alain Delorme

I don’t know about you, butt I hear America singing (h/t Walt Whitman). It started out as a murmur, butt it’s a full throated song now.

Keep your ear tuned to the beating of your heart.

Linked By: BlogsLucianneLoves, and Free Republic, Thanks!