Saturday, September 22, 2018

If You See Something Say Something

Ha ha ha ha ha! Rod Rosenstein was kidding around with the guys about wearing a wire while meeting with the President in order to collect info that could set him up for removal under the 25th Amendment. Hee hee hee.  Just kidding! It was just a joke!

You know what? In the real world people get fired for jokes every day. Take this poor bloke, who thought he’d signed out of his Chrysler account and into his personal Twitter account:


Not only did poor Scott Bartosiewicz, a social media strategist for New Media Strategies, get fired but Chrysler declined to renew its contract with New Media Strategies as well. [ed. Scott did have a point but in my experience the problem is no greater than in any large metropolitan area. I blame all the uninsured and illegal drivers - just kidding! So fire me.]

Then of course there was Roseanne. We all know how well her joke went over.

But we’re talking about the FBI here, where the stakes are much higher than in the real world so by some twisted reasoning he can’t be fired because to do so would set President Trump up for removal from office. Huh?  And people are saying the NYT might be involved in this plot to set President Trump up in hopes that he does fire Rosenstein so that he himself could be removed from office.

Do you really believe that the venerable NYT would be complicit in a cabal like that? #MeToo! NIKKI HALEY REVEALS THAT THE NYT KNEW THE CURTAIN STORY WAS NOT TRUE. As Ed Driscoll notes, “I hope she’s reported this to the Times itself — I hear they’re looking for this sort of news.

new_york_times_disinformation_tweet_8-21-18-1-687x800If You See Something, Say Something

Friday, September 21, 2018

The MOTUS Twilight Nocturne Lounge – notmysocks Memorial Edition

MOTUS-TNL jazz signThe Lounge is now open

We’re gathered here this evening  to  provide our old friend, notmysocks, a proper MOTI sendoff to her just reward. So no tears tonight - just toasts and fond memories. The mic is open for anyone who wishes to share memories, reminisce or just say goodbye to Socks. As you know Socks was also known at various times, thanks to the vagaries of Disqus, as the lovely Della Street,

the mysterious Deehra:

7a088ed3b05ae91ae6a079cd6a81600b“Happiness is a mysterious thing, to be found somewhere between too little and too much.” – Ruskin Bond

and also as Sophie, her beloved dog who proceeded her in death by just a few days, and finally by the moniker that we all decided was the best ever: notmysocks. Maybe we can talk Pins into retelling the story of where that handle came from, I think it was one of those old family catch phrases that linger long after people forget its origin.

So for Sock’s wake I baked some cupcakes,

sock cupcakesWarning: contains no food groups

and Robin dropped off dozens of cookies.

socks cookies2

I know Socks liked sweets because a few years ago she left this confession as to how she procured them when she was young:

“I used to buy crumb cakes at the corner deli and charge them to my mother..I ate the whole thing and never got caught. I was a bad assed 9 year old, and proud of it! Then again, maybe she knew and didn't care, and I wasted my own badassery...”

Is there anything worse than wasting all your badassery when you’re only 9? Lord knows you’re going to need it again some day.


So make yourselves comfy, order a drink if you’re so inclined, Little Mo is right there, behind the bar in his MAGA hat.

motus TNL MAGA-bar

Just nod, he knows what you want. Since Socks was originally from New York I’m making the Manhattan tonight’s official drink.


I thought it would be nice to pass on a short selection of comments Socks has dropped here over the years on various topics: they illustrate why she was so loved - she was just like us.

On Anger:

“My outrage has finally reached its' zenith, any more would kill off my soul, maybe forever. I don't know if there is a stage two of outrage, like other syndromes, my mine has segued into wishing for revenge. I sometimes wonder if I would give Chris Matthews CPR if he drowned right next to me.”

Holiday Traditions:

“My Irish immigrant relatives never saw corned beef in Ireland. They were mainly lamb and fish eaters.. We still have lamb stew for St Patrick's day dinner....or pizza and wings, if we are drinking...[[hides head in shame]]


“I once watched a You Tube with a cute and very patient Asian girl carving, sanding, and staining tongue depressors to create the look of wood floors in a little doll house...Consider yourself sane if you have never had that urge.”   

And this, on the dangers of sleep:

“Last night, I fell out of bed, in the middle of a dramatic dream, I clearly remember the dream today, It happened in Ancient Rome and I was racing down a street in a chariot, trying to outrun an enemy in a white and gold chariot, which finally sideswiped me. Then I woke up on the floor, between my white bedside table which holds a brass lamp, and my bed. In the past, I have dreamed I was lying in a lovely field of flowers, only to awaken and realize that a dried flower wreath which hung over the bed, had fallen on me.

I take drugs at night, can you tell? I don't even know why I posted this, but whatever…Sleeping is dangerous sometimes, isn't it?”

I leave you with this recent comment that Socks addressed to Janice the Elder’s daughter who dropped by to say hello to the MOTI:

“In addition to her awesomeness, your mom was witty and droll, wonderful qualities in a forum like this.. Like everyone else here, I miss her very much...”

Who knew that less than a month later, we would be saying the same to Sock’s daughter? Life’s short my dear friends, don’t waste it matching socks.


Godspeed Socks, say hello to Janice the Elder for us and save us all a seat in your celestial corner. Until then…

So enjoy yourselves. Bartender on duty till 8:00 after which you’re on your own. Please behave, I don’t have any bouncers

The MOTUS Twilight Nocturne Lounge – notmysocks Memorial Edition

MOTUS-TNL jazz signThe Lounge is now open

We’re gathered here this evening  to  provide our old friend, notmysocks, a proper MOTI sendoff to her just reward. So no tears tonight - just toasts and fond memories. The mic is open for anyone who wishes to share memories, reminisce or just say goodbye to Socks. As you know Socks was also known at various times, thanks to the vagaries of Disqus, as the lovely Della Street,

the mysterious Deehra:

7a088ed3b05ae91ae6a079cd6a81600b“Happiness is a mysterious thing, to be found somewhere between too little and too much.” – Ruskin Bond

and also as Sophie, her beloved dog who proceeded her in death by just a few days, and finally by the moniker that we all decided was the best ever: notmysocks. Maybe we can talk Pins into retelling the story of where that handle came from, I think it was one of those old family catch phrases that linger long after people forget its origin.

So for Sock’s wake I baked some cupcakes,

sock cupcakesWarning: contains no food groups

and Robin dropped off dozens of cookies.

socks cookies2

I know Socks liked sweets because a few years ago she left this confession as to how she procured them when she was young:

“I used to buy crumb cakes at the corner deli and charge them to my mother..I ate the whole thing and never got caught. I was a bad assed 9 year old, and proud of it! Then again, maybe she knew and didn't care, and I wasted my own badassery...”

Is there anything worse than wasting all your badassery when you’re only 9? Lord knows you’re going to need it again some day.


So make yourselves comfy, order a drink if you’re so inclined, Little Mo is right there, behind the bar in his MAGA hat.

motus TNL MAGA-bar

Just nod, he knows what you want. Since Socks was originally from New York I’m making the Manhattan tonight’s official drink.


I thought it would be nice to pass on a short selection of comments Socks has dropped here over the years on various topics: they illustrate why she was so loved - she was just like us.

On Anger:

“My outrage has finally reached its' zenith, any more would kill off my soul, maybe forever. I don't know if there is a stage two of outrage, like other syndromes, my mine has segued into wishing for revenge. I sometimes wonder if I would give Chris Matthews CPR if he drowned right next to me.”

Holiday Traditions:

“My Irish immigrant relatives never saw corned beef in Ireland. They were mainly lamb and fish eaters.. We still have lamb stew for St Patrick's day dinner....or pizza and wings, if we are drinking...[[hides head in shame]]


“I once watched a You Tube with a cute and very patient Asian girl carving, sanding, and staining tongue depressors to create the look of wood floors in a little doll house...Consider yourself sane if you have never had that urge.”   

And this, on the dangers of sleep:

“Last night, I fell out of bed, in the middle of a dramatic dream, I clearly remember the dream today, It happened in Ancient Rome and I was racing down a street in a chariot, trying to outrun an enemy in a white and gold chariot, which finally sideswiped me. Then I woke up on the floor, between my white bedside table which holds a brass lamp, and my bed. In the past, I have dreamed I was lying in a lovely field of flowers, only to awaken and realize that a dried flower wreath which hung over the bed, had fallen on me.

I take drugs at night, can you tell? I don't even know why I posted this, but whatever…Sleeping is dangerous sometimes, isn't it?”

I leave you with this recent comment that Socks addressed to Janice the Elder’s daughter who dropped by to say hello to the MOTI:

“In addition to her awesomeness, your mom was witty and droll, wonderful qualities in a forum like this.. Like everyone else here, I miss her very much...”

Who knew that less than a month later, we would be saying the same to Sock’s daughter? Life’s short my dear friends, don’t waste it matching socks.


Godspeed Socks, say hello to Janice the Elder for us and save us all a seat in your celestial corner. Until then…

So enjoy yourselves. Bartender on duty till 8:00 after which you’re on your own. Please behave, I don’t have any bouncers

Anamorphic Drawing of a Hole

I know the title is confusing, you probably think you know who I’m talking about but in fact, this is an art post. I was inspired by the art work contained in yesterday’s comments: from Son of Sobieski’s fine skeletor street art to Claire’s little granddaughter’s hand drawn and painted cartoon characters. So I’m just going to drop this lesson in optical illusion here for you to study. It seems a very helpful skill to have in today’s climate.

So get your paper, pens, crayons (I’m talking to you Jetti) and rulers out so you too can practice the fine art of illusion. Once you master it, you’ll be ready for Washington D.C..

Now get out there with your chalk and make some street art:


And don’t forget: tonight’s special edition of MOTUS’ Twilight Nocturn Lounge tonight being held in memory of our dear friend notmysocks, aka, della street, aka deehra, aka Sophie. The lounge will open at 6 pm EDST. Little Mo and I will be slinging drinks from 6-8 pm and after that you’re on the honor system.  I’ll be busy all day preparing a few remarks, fixing some snacks and stocking the bar so carry on, and I’ll see you tonight.

Thursday, September 20, 2018

Where Is Our Émile Zola?


First we had - and still have, thanks to Mueller’s Special Prosecution Task Force - the fake Russia! Russia! Russia! collusion allegation that the anti-Trump camp has been running with daily for nearly 2 years in order to take a President they don’t like down. Now we have the (attempted) Rape! Rape! Rape! allegation that the anti-Kavanaugh camp ginned up in the 13th hour in order to take a Supreme Court Justice appointee they don’t like down.

Is anyone else reminded of the Dreyfus Affair, in which an innocent man was convicted of treason primarily because the French didn’t much like Jews at the time?


Dreyfus was found guilty of treason in a secret military court-martial, during which he was denied the right to examine the evidence against him. (He) was convicted largely on the basis of testimony by professional handwriting experts: the graphologists' assertion was that "the lack of resemblance between Dreyfus' writing and that of the bordereau was proof of a 'self-forgery.' - Wiki

So look, I don’t care whether Christine Blasey Ford is a mentally deluded nut or a political operative – in fact I don’t even care at this point if she really was drunk and held down against her will 36 years ago by a couple of high school kids, that’s how callous the NLP have made me – this is dirty politics and I’m sick of having our public life dictated by dirty politics. If the Left is going to remove the assumption of innocence in the interest of getting what they want I am willing to remove the assumption of truth/honesty from any of the stories advanced by their tools.

When the Left launched their “Republicans have a War Against Women™” campaign I warned you that it was really a guise to shield their War Against Men™. They are growing increasingly transparent: #metoo is not about protecting women, it is about ruining powerful men. And if in the process a few good men get swept up, well, so be it, it’s for a good cause. So now parents,, in addition to worrying about their daughters being raped, must worry equally about their sons being falsely accused of being rapists. Remember when dating used to be fun? Progressives ruin everything.

"These, Sir, are the facts that explain how this miscarriage of justice came about; The evidence of Dreyfus's character, his affluence, the lack of motive and his continued affirmation of innocence combine to show that he is the victim of the lurid imagination of Major du Paty de Clam, the religious circles surrounding him, and the 'dirty Jew' obsession that is the scourge of our time." - Wiki

road reputation

The New Left Progressives are the scourge of our time. They need to be eradicated, one election at a time.

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Christine Blasey Ford: “I’m sorry, I have a conflict.”

Surprise, surprise, surprise: the woman accusing Judge Kavanaugh of attempted rape in the summer of ‘82 now says she won’t be testifying in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee on Monday because “it’s not enough time.” Most people would think that 36 years is long enough to get your story straight. So forgive me for concluding that the woman’s 11th hour allegations might be driven by motives other than justice.

pussy hat…we much

So she won’t be showing up for the hearing because she has a previous commitment. Or she has to wash her hair.

And also, this just in: St. Martin’s Press announces they will be publishing Andrew McCabe’s new book “The Threat: How the FBI Protects America in the Age of Terror and Trump.” They released this statement from Andy hisself, explaining why he’s going to all the trouble to write this really important book:

“I wrote this book because the president’s attacks on me symbolize his destructive effect on the country as a whole,” McCabe said in a statement issued through St. Martin’s. “He is undermining America’s safety and security, and eroding public confidence in its institutions.”

You know what else undermines America’s safety and security? Professionals within those institutions undermining America’s electoral process and subsequently its duly elected President.


Andy’s statement continues:

“His attacks on the most crucial institutions of government, and on the professionals who serve within them, should make every American stand up and take notice.”

I’ve got news for you Andy, many of us think that describes precisely what you, Comey, Stozok, Page, Ohr, et al were doing.

gregg jarret

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Another Blockbuster From Hollywood

Just think of Christine Blasey Ford as a story straight out of Hollywood because that’s what Hollywood does: tells stories. And they’re trying to turn this one into a blockbuster. It does seem to contain all the requisite elements: a good story, an unpopular villain and a victim who serves as a sympathetic protagonist. It has a tight plot that contains foreshadowing of what’s to come, and a storyline advanced by interconnected incidents that will culminate in a climactic resolution of the conflict.

So if anyone is still wondering why the New Left Progressives (NLP) went after their own late last year following the publication of Ronan Farrow’s New Yorker exposé of Tinseltown's historic casting-couch culture, wonder no more. I’ll connect the narrative dots.

Sexual Harassment Clebrities

The story line was actually conceived back in 2012, as Thomas Lifson revealed yesterday in Kavanaugh's accuser recovered her memory at the time Dems were panicked Romney would win and nominate him to SCOTUS. At that time the NLP were worried that Romney might actually win (ha!) and they were afraid his first Supreme Court appointee would be Kavanaugh:

The article, which The New Yorker published in 2012, is a Jeffrey Toobin analysis about Bret [sic] Kavanaugh and the threat he would pose should he get on the Supreme Court.  According to Toobin, Kavanaugh was a scary conservative who, if he got on the Court, might overturn Obamacare[.] ...

Just pay attention to that last paragraph:

If a Republican, any Republican, wins in November, his most likely first nominee to the Supreme Court will be Brett Kavanaugh.

Since Obama won, the story, along with Christine Blasey Ford, went away until…Trump! And Kavanaugh’s nomination. 

When Harvey Weinstein went down with the #metoo mania following the New Yorker article many people speculated that the ploy was actually calculated to take President Trump out and Weinstein – who nobody liked anyway – was collateral damage. However they had already done everything under the sun to take Trump out and all they came up with was the “pussy” comment that was highly offensive to their delicate sensibilities but did nothing to detract the voters. And by now they had the entire Deep State at work to take Trump out on the Russia! Russia! Russia! collusion. No, #metoo was designed to take out Kavanagh – and anyone else the NLP didn’t like - all along. It’s their failsafe assault weapon: weaponized #metoo. Inappropriate sexual activity that can only be denied, not disproved. lady liberty #metoo

The cabal was caught flat footed when Neil Gorsuch was tapped  as President Trump’s first appointee. They had nothing in their quiver and the appointment moved too fast for them to create a good smear story and find someone from central casting to play the part. They swore they would never, ever let that happen again.

So, cue the outrage machine, ramp up the volume and wait for the curtain to rise on the latest Hollywood fantasy-action thriller. Story tellers gonna tell stories.

To summarize then: the industry that almost single-handedly created the woman-as-sex-object meme subsequently generated the #metoo movement alleging men treat women like sex objects. And then weaponizing it to take out their enemies. Genius! A plot that could only come out of Hollywood or the DOJ. 

1-donald-trump-meme-get-in-pussy-making-america-great-again1Because this never gets old

Monday, September 17, 2018

Constitution Day: The New Left Progressives Boycott

While the rest of us celebrate September 17 as Constitution Day the New Left Progressives (NLP) have cancelled it due to lack of interest. The NLP views the Constitution, as Barack Hussein Obama explained back in 2001, as a “a charter of negative liberties. It says what the states can't do to you. Says what the federal government can't do to you but doesn't say what the federal government or state government must do on your behalf.” 

What Barry was advocating at the time, and again 7 years later when he ran for president, was a “fundamental transformation” of the Constitution to a document more in keeping with the vision he and his minions had for America. This transformed version of the document revered as mankind’s last, best hope would focus not on the constraints of government but rather on what government can do for you, assuming I suppose that you can’t or shouldn’t have to do for yourself. It would include things like healthcare, food, iPhones, public transportation (instead of, not in addition to private), non-fossil fuel free energy for all, reparations…you know, all the things that would ensure your dependence on government rather than your liberty.

The NLP’s drastic step of cancelling Constitution Day came about due to their frustration at the failure of their unusual tactics to achieve the desired outcomes. For example, the public education brain washing has yet to bring about the elimination of the right of individuals to own guns, despite their best efforts:

constitution dayFrom page 102, U.S. History: Preparing for the Advanced Placement Exam textbook

Note how the tweeking of the original 2nd Amendment wording – from “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed” to “The people have a right to keep and bear arms in a state militia” – converts the 2nd Amendment right to bear arms to a more nuanced negative liberty of NOT having that right.

The text’s explanation of the First Amendment is equally “nuanced” - “Congress shall make no laws that infringe a citizens right to freedom of religion, speech, press, assembly and petition. Congress may not favor one religion over another (separation of church and state). Taking it upon themselves to educate the children that freedom to practice whatever religion you choose is the same as taking references to God out of everything from the classroom to the court house. And rest assured, the Electoral College, as established in the Constitution, is currently under assault in the classroom and elsewhere as an “anachronistic” holdover that is no longer necessary in our enlightened age of electronic communications.

And don’t even get them started on the lack of diversity in the actual writing and ratifying the Constitution: they were all old white men! Disgraceful. So I’m sure you can see why the Progs will be boycotting the celebration of the document that established the last best hope for humanity.


Sunday, September 16, 2018

The Post-Normal $ocialist: Oca$io-Cortez

There’s been quite a buzz about Alexandria Oca$io-Cortez rocking a $3,500 Gabriela Hearst, new $ocialist worker’s uniform:

alexandria ocasio cortezThe New People’s Uniform

To be fair, AOC has been rockin’ socialist uniforms ever since she was a wee one:

brown shirts

And socialist workers have always had uniforms, although in the past they’ve been a bit drab and utilitarian:


But in the 21st century, they’ve been replaced by a modern, somewhat saucier, look for the contemporary worker. Minus the guns of course, because Democratic Socialism is peaceful. At least at first.

3S_WJDZkTORgrMcmUATjGxNrv5pfZS_0YusYdgCCj0UGirlfriend iz workin’ it!

If you’ve been around for a while, you will remember that it was our first historic, black FLOTUS who started this transformation. Here’s Lady M rockin’ the new garden worker uniform featuring Jimmy Cho motorcycle boots ($1,000.00):


But AOC wasn’t about to take all this criticism aimed at her true authentic socialist self sitting down, no sir, she’s fighting back like a girl:


What the heck is a “lewk” you ask? Well, I looked it up for you: To use the term of art, a lewk is a personal style signature so individual it’s almost indivisible from you.”  So, like I said, a uniform. One for photo-shoots and one for real werk.

side-by-side copyThe “lewk” for the New,Post-Normal $ocialist Workers 

I don't matter, you don't matter
Neither does this mindless clatter
It don't matter where you're from
What matters is your uniform

Wear your braces round your seat
Doctor Marten's on your feet
Keep your bonnet very neat
For credibility on street

We are marching as to war
We won't be obscure no more
In uniform, in uniform…

It seems insane
But heaven knows
It's all the same
And I need new clothes