I see the tolerant left has banned the “Honor Diaries” from being shown on college campuses.
Odd, isn’t it? They would go to the mat to defend Hollywood’s “freedom of speech” right to depict the same sort of heinous crimes – child rape, mutilation, torture, death – that is portrayed in this film. Apparently the normally tolerant campus sensibilities were stretched beyond even their extremely high watermark when such behavior is credited to the religion of peace. And if it’s intolerable to the Council on American–Islam Relations (CAIR) sensibilities, that’s good enough for us:
Although Honor Diaries has been widely acclaimed and screened internationally, CAIR has been agitating against it. As reliably happens when CAIR plays its tired “Islamophobia” card, universities across the nation cower — especially universities with active Muslim Students Association chapters. (As we’ve observed before, the MSA is the foundation of the Muslim Brotherhood’s infrastructure in the United States.) Starting with the University of Michigan at Dearborn, several schools have now decided not to screen the film after all.
Coincidentally, currently on view at the University of Michigan, Dearbornistan, is a taxpayer funded art display by pro-choice artist Heather Ault titled, "4,000 Years of Choice" which includes gems such as this poster: