Saturday, April 5, 2014

Free Speech “Evolves” to Pro-Choice: “I Choose Who Gets To Enjoy It.”

I see the tolerant left has banned the “Honor Diaries” from being shown on college campuses.


Odd, isn’t it? They would go to the mat to defend Hollywood’s “freedom of speech” right to depict the same sort of heinous crimes – child rape, mutilation, torture, death – that is portrayed in this film. Apparently the normally tolerant campus sensibilities were stretched beyond even their extremely high watermark when such behavior is credited to the religion of peace. And if it’s intolerable to the Council on American–Islam Relations (CAIR) sensibilities, that’s good enough for us:

Although Honor Diaries has been widely acclaimed and screened internationally, CAIR has been agitating against it. As reliably happens when CAIR plays its tired “Islamophobia” card, universities across the nation cower — especially universities with active Muslim Students Association chapters. (As we’ve observed before, the MSA is the foundation of the Muslim Brotherhood’s infrastructure in the United States.) Starting with the University of Michigan at Dearborn, several schools have now decided not to screen the film after all.

Coincidentally, currently on view at the University of Michigan, Dearbornistan, is a taxpayer funded art display by pro-choice artist Heather Ault titled, "4,000 Years of Choice" which includes gems such as this poster:

Friday, April 4, 2014

If it’s time to plant the garden it must be Spring, right?

Another day, another opportunity for political propaganda. Today it’s all about the bees.


whitehouse bees2White House Bees to be precise

Washington, DC -  A new pollinator garden, a new pawpaw tree, and oat seeds for her South Lawn plot:  First Lady Michelle Obama had a series of  historic firsts and sunny weather on Wednesday afternoon as she welcomed an excited crowd of local school children and members of FoodCorps to the sixth annual Spring planting of her White House Kitchen Garden.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Obamacare and the Magic Beanie; an allegory as told by Calvin and Hobbes

Yesterday we got the first inkling that Calvin’s initial brush with the reality of Obamacare was less than amazing. Today I bring you…THE REST OF THE STORY. 

It all began when Calvin was sucked in by the promise of a free Obamacare beanie: a propeller driven model that would make him fly. All he had to do was eat his peas:

sugar bombs propeller beanie.3gif

Of course, since Calvin wanted the Obamacare beanie very badly, he needed everyone else to pitch in as well; you know - everyone needs to get a fair shot at giving their fair share:

sugar bombs propeller beanie2

Butt Calvin never once stopped dreaming about how wonderful it would be once he got his very own Obamacare beanie. He’d be able to fly!

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Mission Accomplished: “The debate over repealing this law is over”

Obama’s Rose Garden speech included an acknowledgement that the Affordable Care Act “has had its share of problems” butt did not elaborate.

But buried in the 7.1 million enrollments he announced in a heavily staged appearance is a more unsettling reality.

Numbers from a RAND Corporation study that has been kept under wraps suggest that barely 858,000 previously uninsured Americans – nowhere near 7.1 million – have paid for new policies and joined the ranks of the insured by Monday night. - Daily Mail 

Butt pay no attention to the RAND report, it’s just an epidemiological survey, generally deemed to be good enough for government work; just not in this case.

So there’s really no reason to be concerned, everything is progressing exactly as planned, comrades.

beanie_thumb[2]“Some assembly required”

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

How Do You Spell Success?

Wow! Apparently this wasn’t a warning, butt a threat:

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And it proved to be very effective, leading to a last minute surge in signups for Obamacare. So, can we now label the campaign successful? That depends on how you spell success. 

For Joey B, success is spelled by snagging a Clinque Skincare sponsorship

And the glowing, radiant skin is just a bonus!

Lady M spells success as government subsidized veterinarian care to neuter any strays that might wander into your life:

Monday, March 31, 2014

We’re Up To The Final Four - And The Final 24 for Obamacare.

As I advised you at the time, Big Guy’s bracket picks jinxed Michigan State’s chances of making it to the big game. So here we are, up to the Final Four and sure enough, MSU isn’t one of them. Although it pains me to do so, I feel compelled to report that this leaves BO just 1-5 in his 6 years of Presidential bracket picking. The only WIN came in 2009 when he correctly picked the Tar Heels (I KNOW!) to take the title – back when he still had all his Mojo.

So, enough sports, on to more serious matters: reasons to #GetCOVERED.

bo-racist copy

If you’re uninsured you have (technically) until midnight tonight to sign up via one of the exchanges or face paying a fine tax. In reality though, all you really need do is have the intention of signing up by midnight, in which case you’ll get a deadline waiver and an extension of at least 60 days to figure out how to work the system, and another 9 months to decide whether you like your insurance enough to actually pay for it.

Sunday, March 30, 2014

MOTUS Twilight Nocturne Lounge #3



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Come on in, MOTUS’ Twilight Nocturne Lounge is open. Little Mo is on bartender duty again this evening because, well, a good bartender is hard to find, and he does it for free. Sit anywhere you’d like and wave at Little Mo when you’re ready. He knows what you want.


Tonight’s theme is inspired by the enterprising efforts of anti-gun organizer, California state Senator, Leland Lee and his COO, Raymond “Shrimp Boy” Chow,

The Presidential Regional Power Brackets: BHO Picks the Dark Horse

I know. I expected BO to just veg out and watch hoops all weekend too. Butt as you well know, being President means never really being off the clock.

No doubt driven by the revelation that there’s a new “regional power” on the block, BO decided to emerge from his man cave to make his picks in the Presidential Regional Power Brackets, which he developed himself.


In the North division he selected Canada over Alaska because they’re much more polite.