Saturday, May 28, 2016

Getting Tired of All That Hopey Changey Crap? Feel the Bern.

LEÓN KRAUZE, UNIVISION: I am sure that you know about this topic: various leftist governments, especially the populists, are in serious trouble in Latin America. The socialist model in Venezuela has the country near collapse. Argentina, also Brazil, how do you explain that failure?

BERNIE SANDERS, DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATE: You are asking me questions…

LEÓN KRAUZE, UNIVISION: I am sure you’re interested in that.

BERNIE SANDERS, DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATE: I am very interested, but right now I’m running for President of the United States.

LEÓN KRAUZE, UNIVISION: So you don’t have an opinion about the crisis in Venezuela?

BERNIE SANDERS, DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATE: Of course I have an opinion, but as I said, I’m focused on my campaign.

Butt, butt, butt…you’re running for President of the United States in order to turn it into a socialist paradise like Argentina, Brazil, Venezuela. Couldn’t you take a moment to explain how that will work?

Venezuela_loo_roll_3185427cWaiting in line in Caracas supermarket to buy toilet paper – looks pretty social!

And shouldn’t someone running on a socialist revolution platform be happy to explain that ideology?


And what it might take to “make a political revolution?” In order to “feel the Bern?”

ferguson burns

Butt honestly, with the right campaign, you can sell just about anything in P.T Barnum’s America. (trigger warning - literally) Shoot, remember this golden oldie?


So now’s no time to be shy Bernie, tell us how it really works. Before the angry mobs take over to make America Great Again.


Because they’re sick and tired of all the hopey changey crap.


I “wrap up” this special edition post with a question for the Socialist Democrat candidate from Vermont by way of Brooklyn: Why can’t you do this in Venezuela?

tp shooter

Since Bernie is still focused on his campaign he is unavailable to answer for himself, and if you really want to know you’ll have to elect him in order to find out (h/t Nancy Pelosi).

Linked By: Larwyn’s Linx on Doug Ross@Journal, and BlogsLucianneLoves, and Free Republic, Thanks!

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Friday, May 27, 2016

Hiroshima: Dude, that was like 71 years ago!

Thankfully Barry didn’t quite apologize for dropping the bomb when he went to visit Hiroshima. He did take the opportunity to call for a nuclear-free world though - which is about as realistic as a gun-free America, another of Barry’s pipe dreams (literally).

coke pipeAn efficient pipedream delivery system

Butt reality has never entered the picture when Barry has a Dream. And a nuclear free world world has been a dream of his ever since he was a young pup and “researched” the topic for his debut journalism thesis at Columbia’s Sundial.

 “It’s naïve for us to think…that we can grow our nuclear stockpiles, the Russians continue to grow their nuclear stockpiles, and our allies grow their nuclear stockpiles, and that in that environment we’re going to be able to pressure countries like Iran and North Korea not to pursue nuclear weapons themselves.” – DFD, It Seemed Like a Good Idea at the Time

Actually what’s naïve is to continue to believe the flawed logic of a college activist – who couldn’t be bothered to attend classes - turned community organizer. Unfortunately College Barry’s nuclear free world thesis was not one of the issues he “evolved” on. So like many certifiable geniuses, a case could be made that Barry also did his best work while still in his 20’s.

young bo obama stoned 1981 NY

Certainly his Hiroshima “trip” to “honor all war dead” was not one of his best moments. Given the well-documented barbarity of the Japanese Imperial Army, many considered his gesture a cynical claim of moral equivalency. And naked narcissism.

Obama’s narcissism, his zeal for photo opportunities with him at the center, whether in Havana or Hiroshima, too often overcomes lesser concerns — like the best interests of the country. He puts his vanity before our nation’s pride.

Butt hey! We don’t need no stinkin’ nuclear arms! We’ve got luv and good intentions! And Coke!

Let’s Par-tay!!


Because what difference, at this point, does it make?

Linked By: BlogsLucianneLoves, and Free Republic, Thanks!

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Thursday, May 26, 2016

“We Are On Correct Path Comrades” – take 3876

The presumed Democrat nominee is clearly a serial liar. Does anyone - other than Trump - care? We know her only opponent was “sick and tired” of hearing about her “damn emails” months ago. Even though she obviously, purposefully and repeatedly broke many State Department rules regarding her email security and private server. And she repeatedly lied about it. So what? What difference at this point does it make?

Hillary-what difference

So I’m glad to see we’re all focusing instead on the really big issues like ensuring that possibly gender specific terms that may possibly offend someone be replaced with new, made-up, gender neutral words. That’s right words like “mankind” and “humanare offensive to our Defense Department and they vill be replaced! Private email servers and security breeches? Eh, not so much.

hillary blackberry

Are we all clear on our priorities then? Good.

In the immortal words of vereteno: “We are on correct path comrades”

winston_smith_newspeak_dictionary_feature_11-22-15-1-600x232h/t Ed Driscoll @Instapundit

Linked By: Larwyn’s Linx on Doug Ross@Journal, and BlogsLucianneLoves, and Free Republic, Thanks!

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Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Life’s Too Short For Fascists

It’s a classic example of hell-bound good intentions. I’m not going to go as far as George Carlin butt I will say that this whole mess started when progressives started to idolize children. First we had childproof caps, child restraints, child car seats and helmets for everything. It grew into grief counselors at school – initially on an ad hoc basis to deal with the unexpected death of a schoolmate because their kids parents couldn’t be expected to handle that, due to their own grief. Butt once the school budgets expanded to include full time on-staff counselors it became de rigueur to provide grief services for everything from not getting into the college of your choice to hangnails.

Eventually this coddling  evolved into college safe spaces, where “children” are protected from anything they don’t agree with.

safe space“I'm sick and tired of people who say that if you debate and disagree with this administration, somehow you're not patriotic. We need to stand up and say we're Americans, and we have the right to debate and disagree with any administration.”Hillary Clinton (screaming audio here if you’re masochistic)

So here we are: “children” demanding to be protected from chalkings and ideas that make them uncomfortable, like math. Yesterday, once again, the thought police forced the shutdown of a conservative speaker on campus at DePaul University. You remember Milo Yiannopoulos don’t you, conservative rabble rouser? He’s the only flamboyant gay activist the left loves to hate because he doesn’t agree with them. So naturally, he could not be allowed to express his opinions to a crowd that chose to come and listen to him, because…UNCOMFORTABLE DIVERSITY!

The event, held at a packed auditorium, began without incident. But just under 20 minutes in, as Yiannopoulos was ridiculing the idea of “microaggressions,” a group of Black Lives Matter demonstrators stormed the stage and derailed the entire event.Daily Caller

And this behavior has now moved beyond the college campus, thanks in large part to the Obama/Soros Organizing For America/Action committees. Yesterday they dispatched their mini-fascists to “demonstrate” against The Donald in Albuquerque.

In one of the presidential campaign year’s more grisly spectacles, protesters at a Donald Trump rally in New Mexico threw burning T-shirts, plastic bottles and other items at police officers, injuring several, and toppled trash cans and barricades.

During the rally, the presumptive Republican presidential nominee was interrupted repeatedly by protesters, who shouted, held up banners and resisted removal by security officers.protesters. - NY Post

It’s becoming harder and harder to tell the difference between peaceful demonstrators and rioters.


Anyway, I think all the MOTI attending the Albuquerque event have checked in, although we’re still awaiting detailed accounts. In the mean time, let’s all be careful out there. Butt not too careful.

too short to remove usb safelydemotivation.us_Lifes-too-short-to-remove-USB-safely_131122876062

And remember: the Fascists are the ones who tell you to just shut up.

Linked By: Larwyn’s Linx on Doug Ross@Journal, and BlogsLucianneLoves, and Free Republic, Thanks!

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Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Chopstick Diplomacy: Parts Unknown

Remember the weighty advice Barry had for the presumptive Republican presidential nominee a few weeks back? “…the presidency “is not entertainment — this is not a reality show.”

Boy, we wish that were so.

However, during his recent FEAT (Far East Apology Tour) Barry Obama appeared with Anthony Bourdain for a taping of his show - Parts Unknown, a CNN foodie travelogue.

obama bourdain vietnamThe foodie and the druggie shared a lunch of bún chả and beer; Tony praised Barry’s chopstick skills and picked up the tab.

In case you’re not familiar with Tony, he’s the former chain smoking, coke sniffing, heroin addicted NY chef, foodie writer and documentarian. I liked him in his first TV incarnation - A Cook’s Tour - as a jaded wise cracking ex-chef who visited other peoples kitchens in interesting locales and ate what they cooked. Then he moved to the upper West Side and has been intolerable since. He turned into a snide, hypocritical, liberal – butt I repeat myself - TV food celebrity. Instead of being funny now he’s just ironic.

middle-finger.bourdain pg

Not surprising then that Bourdain recently voiced his opposition to Trump’s candidacy, saying that if he actually was able to deport the 11 million illegal aliens in the country “every restaurant in America would shut down.” I guess restaurant work must be one of those jobs Americans just won’t do. I wonder why so many American kids are paying good money to go to culinary school then.

Anyway, I asked myself what American President would want to appear on Parts Unknown, Tony’s smug show that travels around the world bashing America. Butt of course that’s obvious: a smug American President who travels around the world bashing America.

And as far as the presidency not being entertainment, not being a reality show – well,judge for yourself. Here’s a list of Barry’s appearances, so far:

American Idol

Myth Busters (2 times)

Ellen (4 times)

The Colbert Report (3 times)

The Daily Show (7 times)

Running Wild with Bear Grylls

Charlie Brown Christmas

Shark Tank

David Letterman (9 times)

Steve Harvey

Between Two Ferns with Zach Galifinakis

Tonight Show with Jay Leno (6 times)

WWE Pro Wrestling (3 times)

Oprah (3 times)


The Apprentice

Late Night with Jimmy Fallon

Conan O’brien (2 times)

Last Comic Standing

Jimmy Kimmel Live (2 times)

If Hillary doesn’t make it all the way to the gate I think maybe Tony would be a good stand in. He’s got a lot of the Democratic presidential prerequisites these days: effete snob, check, ex- druggie, check, TV ready, check, America basher, check. And he’s pretty good with chopsticks too.

bourdainEeeuw! What is he eating?

Linked By: American Digest, and BlogsLucianneLoves, and Free Republic, Thanks!

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Monday, May 23, 2016

Guns In the News

I have an appointment this morning, so here’s today’s topic: Guns.

Trumps got ‘em.


Hillary wants ‘em:

“If she gets to appoint her judges, she will abolish the Second Amendment," Trump told an enthusiastic crowd.”

"Unlike Donald Trump, I will not pander to the gun lobby."( she said while pandering to the Trayvon Martin Foundation's Circle of Mothers.)

 Barry’s selling ‘em.

President Obama on Monday announced the United States was lifting its decades-long embargo on weapons’ sales to Vietnam, an act most political watchers say will fuel an angry reaction from China.

Obama Vietnam

Traitor Hanoi Jane is still conflicted.


Guns: good for Vietnam, you – not so much.

Linked By: BlogsLucianneLoves, and Free Republic, Thanks!

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Sunday, May 22, 2016

A Future You Can Believe In - Visit It Today!

Progressives-Then-and-Now pajama boy

I read a great article in the Wall Street Journal this week: Decoding Millennials – For $20,000 an hour. Wow! Sounds like the Millennial dream job! Unfortunately Millennials need not apply; apparently in order to be a Millennial expert you have to not BE a Millennial.

Butt first the problem: the generation born in the 1980s and 1990s (referred to as Millennials as they came of age around 2000) now make up the largest single generational group in the workforce and big companies are scrambling to figure out how to make them happy. Remember when recent hires used to do the scrambling – you know, to make their employers happy? Seems quaint now.

Anyway, they’re retaining “millennial advisers” to help stem turnover, market to young people and ensure their happiness at work. To be a millennial advisor it helps if you are a certifiable Boomer like Mike & Morley , 72 and 73 respectively, or a near-Boomer like Lisa McLeod, 52, who typically charges companies up to $25,000 for a keynote address on the topic. Or you could also serve as a Millennial Whisperer if you’re a well seasoned Gen-Xer like Lindsey Pollak, 41. She’s often hired to teach employers what young people want:

First, they expect work to be meaningful. Second, they crave frequent feedback. Third, they despise voice mail.

Let me take a crack at this. First, they expect work to be “meaningful.” Of course they do; everything about their lives has to be meaningful, because it’s about them. And I guess moving out of mom and dad’s basement isn’t really meaningful enough. Second they crave feedback, butt only the positive kind. Please don’t bother to point out their deficiencies as that will make them feel bad and probably cry. And if it’s negative it probably involves some type of a microaggresion. which as we all know is forbidden. Third, voice mail? That is soooo 20th century! Technology has replaced old fashioned voice communication with the new modern text message. That’s called progress!

Victorian female secretary at type writer.  Original artwork for issue 3030 of Treasure.Did you know smart phones use the  QWERTY keyboard first used on typewriters in 1874?

millennials-phoneOnly now they’ve been shrunk, so you only need use your thumb! BIG improvement.

In order to meet the millennial needs she identified, Ms. McLeod shows companies how to set a “noble purpose” to make the youngsters feel that the paper-pushing they’re doing is meaningful.

For a concrete company seeking to boost employee engagement, she suggested that managers share stories of how constructing solid residential foundations helps people feel safe at home.

safe room in houseBuilding a “safe space” in your house with concrete blocks

Knowing how Millennials revere their “safe spaces” doesn’t that strike you as pandering? If not downright trite?  Butt here’s the part that earns McLeod the really big bucks:

She also advises clients to strip out numbers from internal presentations because, she says, millennials find stories more compelling than figures.

Well sure, stories are fun! Numbers are hard. Especially when your entire exposure to math has been through stories about “number bonds” rather than how to actually use basic arithmetic. And unless you can explain how profits and loss bond, you better stick with stories.

bondsI’m sure there’s a story in here somewhere that Millennials could relate to

Actually managing Millennials isn’t that tough: sometimes it “boils down to letting them work fewer hours.”  Accordingly, Red Robin management was advised:

…to let corporate employees set flexible schedules. The company now allows corporate employees to take Friday afternoons off, and banned Friday meetings, said Cathy Cooney, senior vice president and human-resources director

Insightful: “let them work less, and only when they feel like it.” Which is the type of advice that sounds like it could only have come from a Millennial. It does lend credence to the belief that the entire field of generational consulting is “a complete racket” – although that may be redundant as I think that’s actually the alternate dictionary definition of “consulting.” Nevertheless, U.S. organizations spent between $60 and $70 million on generational consulting last year. So be sure to update your LinkedIn account to list “millennial expert” or “millennial consultant” to your skills. The demand is still yuge for people who borrow your watch and tell you what time it is.

Anyway, I think this story is confirmation of the plight of the Millennials. First the Boomers took everything:  all the clean air, clean water, oil, natural gas, big houses, big SUVs, the best jobs, all the wealth, Social Security – everything! They used it all up. Then the Gen-Xers swooped in to scarf up what few leftovers  remained and now there is absolutely nothing left in the entire country for the Millennials. No wonder they’re so sad. And malleable.

No wonder the Obama-era Organizing for Action machine has been so successful getting them to sign on to support an old white socialist who promises money for nothing and your chicks for free.

ct-millennials-socialism-bernie-sanders-201605-001 Trust me on this, the kids didn’t make those signs themselves; neither did Bernie’s campaign.

And if they think Bernie is offering them a future they can believe in, George Soros has a hedge fund I think they should invest in.hedge fund

Or maybe they should just visit one of Bernie’s real life model utopias today!


Linked By: Larwyn’s Linx on Doug Ross@Journal, and BlogsLucianneLoves, and Free Republic, Thanks!

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