Sunday, June 19, 2022

Bumped from 2021: Happy Father’s Day

People make fun of Hollywood’s idealized family of the 50s.

best tv dads ever

But I would point out that every single episode of every one of those shows taught a life lesson geared to values that - at the time – consisted of a universal moral code: the value of telling the truth, the virtue of hard work, patriotism, what it means to be honorable, why loyalty matters, what personal responsibility consists of. In other words bedrock American values that are often looked down on, snickered at and scorned by today’s cultural elites in Hollywood, education and Washington.

Ever since that era Hollywood has been offering so-called family shows showcasing escalating Socialist/Marxist propaganda and the demise of the nuclear family: single moms struggling to survive in a sexist/classist world, two mommies/daddies struggling to raise their children in a homophobe world, People of Color struggling – with everything, everywhere. In the process the values on display in pop culture morphed to relativism so gradually few noticed.

From the raunchy Two and A Half Men in which two ostensibly straight brothers try to raise the son/nephew to Modern Family  where you get a bit of everything,

modern-family-og-minModern Family is genuinely funny in large measure because they have fun with stereotypes of all ilk

to The Fosters – (full disclosure: I’ve never seen an episode) a multi-racial Lesbian couple raising 1 bio son and 4 adopted teenagers.


Hollywood can’t kill the traditional  family soon enough it seems. The nuclear family if not dead is on life support, struggling under the weight of an anachronistic paternalistic world. Instead we end up with True Crimes shows of sex trafficking, child abuse and sexual identity confusion. We’ve come a long way baby and the Left would have us believe that’s a good thing. Bio Mom, Bio Dad and their two bio kids is no longer valid. “Family” has been co-opted to mean whatever they say it means. If society moves any further along the alternate lifestyle continuum Bio Family might turn out to be downright subversive.

calvin subversive dad

Well here’s to good old fashioned, subversive Bio Dads everywhere:

military dad

If more kids had more of these “subversive” Dads instead of the likes of self-centered “Pops”

daddy dearestI wonder if Pops gets 10% of Hunter’s painting sales?

we might not be in the mess we’re in now. I do hope that history doesn’t have to report of our time that for the want of a few good Dads the world was lost.


Happy Fathers’ Day to all the good ones out there!