Saturday, November 26, 2011

Black Friday You Can Believe In!

“Why brave the crowds when you can shop at the Obama 2012 store in your pajamas?" 

Shoppers jam Macy's flagship store in New York's Herald Square in the first minutes of Black Friday.Reflecting Black Friday shoppers at Macy’s

In a move intended to demonstrate his continuing commitment to spreading the wealth around, Big Guy authorized his team to hold the first ever official Presidential Black Friday sale – apparently without irony.

bo-black friday

A 10% TURKEY DAY special code? Seriously, I’m beginning to think these guys don’t even understand the meaning of the word “irony.”

Screenshot Studio capture #326

The official campaign site is so tone deaf it’s making it harder and harder to tell the difference between the official “Obama gear” site

merch_0001_grill_spatulaThe Obama “I liked the spatula so much, I bought the company” ($40)

and all the bogus sites that are selling contraband campaign gear.

obama-bunny-slippersObama Bunny Slippers

“Help support President Obama's initiative to reduce the national debt by purchasing all of your officially authorized Obama products here.” Where everything is Made in America (except for the shirt, slippers, sunglasses, and hat). Plus - no sales tax! – no wait, that’s only available from the bogus site. 

And who on your Winter Holiday list wouldn’t luv to find an official Obama birth certificate coffee mug  ($20, from the real site – do you see how confusing this is?) under their tree?

abc obama mug nt 111121 wblog Obama Store Stocked for Black Friday: Goods Entirely Made in USA

…and speaking of trees:

tree 4

Check out the trunk on the official 2011 model! It’s huge!!

Just perfect to festoon with multi-colored baubles. The Big White will never look the same again.




tree mo4

Yes, it’s going to be another glorious Winter Holiday season around here. We Can’t Wait!

merch_0001_button_we can't waitwcw

Available now, at an Obama shopping site near you. Actually I think you can get these at both the official and the unofficial sites.

Can you hear the jingle bells yet?

Linked By: Larwyn’s Linx on Doug Ross@Journal, and DeniceVB on the Crawdad Hole, Thanks!

Friday, November 25, 2011

Post Turkey Day Wrap Sheet

I know everyone was busy yesterday basting and tasting, so let me catch you up on some of the turkey news you may have missed, starting with a few excerpts from Big Guy’s annual Thanksgiving pep talk to the country.

"Like millions of Americans, Michelle, Malia, Sasha and I will spend the day eating great food, watching a little football, and reflecting on how truly lucky we truly are," [ed. Some might say “blessed” butt I guess “lucky” works too. And I have overheard people saying that Big Guy is the luckiest man on earth. Again, some might say  “blessed” or “smart” butt I won’t quibble with “Lucky” ]

We’re also grateful for the Americans who are taking time out of their holiday to serve in soup kitchens and shelters, making sure their neighbors have a hot meal and a place to stay.

                 mo at  food kitchenmeet and greet at the food bank

Lady M in her Miki Taylor hairdo and Big Guy pose as they help out at the local food bank…thankfully, no OWS protestors at this bank.


This sense of mutual responsibility – the idea that I am my brother’s keeper; that I am my sister’s keeper – has always been a part of what makes our country special. And it’s one of the reasons the Thanksgiving tradition has endured.


110511_2996Post-modern version of “sense of mutual responsibility”

photo H/T Powerline via Larwyn’s Linx

The very first Thanksgiving was a celebration of community during a time of great hardship, and we have followed that example ever since.

zuccotti-park-filth-occupy-wall-streetCelebrating at the community center in Zuccotti Park

Even when the fate of our union was far from certain – during a Civil War, two World Wars, a Great Depression – Americans drew strength from each other. They had faith that tomorrow would be better than today. 

All we need to make things better is to get this stinkin’ revolution off the ground

We’re grateful that they did. As we gather around the table, we pause to remember the pilgrims, pioneers, and patriots who helped make this country what it is. They faced impossible odds, and yet somehow, they persevered.


Today, it’s our turn.


I know that for many of you, this Thanksgiving is more difficult than most. But no matter how tough things are right now, we still give thanks for that most American of blessings, the chance to determine our own destiny.

divorce rings 

The problems we face didn’t develop overnight, and we won’t solve them overnight. [ed. - happened under Bush’s watch] But we will solve them. All it takes is for each of us to do our part. [especially the 1%, who can afford to do 99% of the required part]

With all the partisanship and gridlock here in Washington, [Do-nothing Congress!] it’s easy to wonder if such unity is really possible.

Everything’s tougher when there’s a class war waging

But think about what’s happening at this very moment: Americans from all walks of life are coming together as one people, grateful for the blessings of family, community, and country.

If we keep that spirit alive, if we support each other, and look out for each other, and remember that we’re all in this together, then I know that we too will overcome the challenges of our time.

Of course, some will have to support more than others

So today, I’m thankful to serve as your President and Commander-and-Chief. I’m thankful that my daughters get to grow up in this great country of ours. And I’m thankful for the chance to do my part, as together, we make tomorrow better than today.

We don’t need no stinkin’ oil anyway

Thanks, and have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

Some people seemed upset, or at least surprised, that Big Guy didn’t mention anything about God in relation to our annual Thanksgiving celebration. Really?

Anyhow, after having pardoned the big fat ugly white turkey that’s been occupying the W Hotel here in Washington -

Liberty the pardoned turkey

we had chef cook one for us to enjoy as part of our regular Thanksgiving menu:

2 kinds of meat: Turkey (the unforgiven), Ham
2 kinds of dressing: Cornbread Stuffing, Oyster Stuffing
5 Sides: Greens, Sweet Potatoes, Mashed Potatoes, Green Bean Casserole, Mac and Cheese
2 kinds of Dinner Rolls: white and brown
6 (!) kinds of Pie: Apple, Pumpkin, Sweet Potato, Banana Cream, Cherry, Huckleberry

It’s no wonder we have a deficit, Big Guy has such trouble choosing between options.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving From Sea to Shining Sea


040602-137_wheat fields

photo: Ron Nebrugge


 It would seem that the ingratitude, whereby a subsequent sin causes the return of sins previously forgiven, is a special sin. For, the giving of thanks belongs to counter passion, which is a necessary condition of justice. But justice is a special virtue. Therefore this ingratitude is a special sin. Thanksgiving is a special virtue. But ingratitude is opposed to thanksgiving. Therefore ingratitude is a special sin.                                                                            Thomas Aquinas

Let’s hope that the occupiers remember and take to heart that they are “one of the lucky ones” in that they live in the freest, and therefore richest countries ever to have inhabited planet earth.

I leave it to you to determine which occupiers I refer to.

Happy Thanksgiving to one and all: I truly appreciate all of you coming and sharing in my daily national therapy session!

Enjoy your families, your turkey or tofurky and count your blessings on this , our national day of Thanksgiving.


Linked By: Larwyn’s Linx on Doug Ross@Journal, and Zilla of the Resistance, Thanks!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Our Cheeky Commander in Chic

A new Lady M book, just in time for your Black Friday shopping spree! Because it’s such a busy day (we’ve got to pardon a turkey while snagging another one to roast) I don’t have much time to comment on this, but Miki Taylor has a new book out: Commander in Chic that I’m sure you’ll enjoy.

If you think Chrissy Matthews (prior to his recent apostasy) was a big fan of Big Guy’s, wait till you see the depths of Miki’s adoration of all things Lady M. Unlike Chrissy’s admiration for BO, which might be termed by psychiatrists as “projection” Miki’s admiration is completely genuine and grounded in reality.


Here’s a brief excerpt:

Now here I was sitting across from her at the dining room table discussing my vision for the cover—what she should wear, the hair, the makeup, the mood of the shoot, and so on. The conversation was flowing so easily; it was like I was talking to someone I’d known and loved for years. (snip) Moments into the conversation, as I was admiring her ultra-chic dress, we both burst into laughs when she told me it was from H&M! At that point, I said to myself, “Okay, let it go girl. She’s the real deal!” We decided on an elegant purple sheath for the cover and coordinating looks for Sasha and Malia and we were on.

Every detail is coordinated

Leaving the house that day I realized that one of the most fascinating attributes about Mrs. O is that she so gets it on every front. Her approach to life is deliberate across the board, and she’s ever so clear in a world filled with confusion and ever-changing standards about the importance of setting your own.

orange backwards shirt

She’s the woman for all seasons, who knows how to “do levels,” as we say in the community,

Level 1

in that she knows how to look fabulous while being frugal, how to go from comfortably talking with the Queen of England


to encouraging the youngins at Newark, New Jersey’s, Maple Avenue School about the importance of eating healthy.

michelle-obama-white-house-garden-k-365ds061709Sometimes you just have to eat your peas

She’s the sister-girl sprinting in Converse sneakers across the White House lawn by day

michelle-obama-walking-gardenOr Jimmy Choo’s

who just as comfortably slips into a dazzling cocktail sheath by Kai Miller by night,

achinaus61.jpgOr McQueen

welcoming Stevie Wonder to her home at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue (see previous page). To say she’s in full management of her own life and yet all the while looking out for the best for others is an understatement. She has revolutionized our thinking about what’s really key to living, not just going through the motions and being at our best in every way.


For certain, she doesn’t just have a full plate,


she’s balancing a platter:


she’s married to the most powerful man in the world, is a great mom, a beloved daughter, and a fab “Sis,” all of which present a full set of responsibilities and cares of the heart. Yet by choice she’s also focused on the wellness of the nation’s children and the well-being of military families.


There’s not one of us who isn’t moved by watching her step to purpose, day in and day out.


We’ve long known her forerunners in our families and in the community as she’s the sister we’ve always looked up to, the more-than-busy mom who still finds time to help others with passion and verve.


She’s the big sister who “never let them see her sweat,”

fayetteville N.C.

by staying focused on the duty at hand and all the while managing to keep a sharp eye on enjoying her life.

Michelle_Obama_SPAIN_02_Villa_Padierna_in_MarbellaVilla Padierna, Marbella, Spain

We’ve been waiting a long time for “Michelle Obama”—a true role model, not an icon—to come to life in the White House. This smart, savvy sister who looks like us, speaks like us, and brings a formidable determination to the table

that’s as tall and sure-footed as she is at nearly 5'11", walked in the door, ready to do the critical work.

Patty murray dem co-chairAre you one of my little people?

Her agenda is our agenda: that of taking back our health, canceling out obesity and therefore disease on our watch. It’s dispelling that “angry Black woman”

Kaboom 2

syndrome that folks at-large have tried to place on those of us who say what we mean and are affirmed enough to roll up our sleeves and place our hands on our hips while doing so.


She’s not angry, nor are we, just tired of “the way things are,”

dnc women's leadership luncheonI’ve had it up to here!

as she told the women at a Las Vegas community center while on the campaign trail. Having embarked on what she herself has described as one of the best jobs in the world,


she also sees her role as First Lady as an opportunity to help women transform their lives.

yikesI use to drink Cristal, butt now it’s Dom or Perrier-Jouet or nothing. When we win again, we’re popping a bottle of Shipwrecked 1907 Heidsieck


Michelle and Barack Obama: transforming America since 1-20-09. Happy Turkey Day to everyone working hard to end the occupation.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

We Play Chicken with Country AND Western Civilization

Wow! That was fun!

No, not the big festival of both kinds of music – I’ll get to that -  I’m talking about the pre-show show; Big Guy’s scolding of the do-nothing Super-Committee of the do-nothing Congress.

"after months of hard work and intense deliberations, we have come to the conclusion today that it will not be possible to make any bipartisan agreement available to the public before the committee's deadline."

Big Guy didn’t want to get in their way while they were tripping over their own shoelaces, so he decided to help the Euros with their fiscal problems instead. And because they all wear loafers.

So everything worked out just as planned :

at the show2Pre-Show

“The President’s press secretary tells us that the President and his Treasury Secretary have ‘been very engaged with their European counterparts’ in addressing their debt crises, but it appears the President’s involvement in the American Super Committee was to set a proposal on the table and then leave.”

at the showThe Show

Luckily, Big Guy’s team had a hand calculator lined up and ready to go, explaining how the failure of the Republicans on the Super-Committee will cost every American thousands of dollars (except for the 47% who don’t have to pay any income taxes). He wants to give that money back to them and only tax the 1% that, I think we can all agree, are causing all the trouble. Get your own Handy Big White handy calculator right here  to help you figure out how badly the Republicans are screwing you.

Butt I’m getting way ahead of myself. First, we had some Lady M and Dr. Jill business to tend to in the afternoon. Here they are watching Big Guy sign a bill promoting the hiring of veterans. Good photo op.

mo and the doc

No need to adjust your color, that’s just a fashion forward combination of red and fuchsia -symbolic of the sea of red ink the Republicans are running. We just thought the fuchsia would give it a fun pop.

Butt enough business for one day. Let’s talk about Lady M’s latest educational music festival for the people; it was a celebration of - as Willie likes to say - both kinds of music: Country AND Western.

We started the festival, as is our custom, with an afternoon program for the children. We added a fun bow to our red and fuchsia frock for the event.


"We've invited you here because I want to make sure that the White House lives up to the name 'The People's House.That's what everybody calls it, what we call it. And I want to be sure that it's not just a place for senators and diplomats and CEOs who have a chance to come here, but it's a place for all Americans, especially young people."

Lady M forgot to mention that the People’s House also invites Big Union Presidents – who represent some of the little people who can’t afford to come here themselves. (Lobbyists for Wall Street Banks, Big Business and Big Unions are no longer welcome at the Big White however, due to the transparency. We have to meet with them off-site. Sometimes over dinner.)

The Country AND Western performers who came to entertain us were not necessarily all A-listers, butt it was a very diverse group. Lauren Alaina, The Band Perry, Dierks Bentley, Alison Krauss (apparently one of Big Guy’s favorites), Kris Kristofferson, Lyle Lovett, Mickey, Darius Rucker and James Taylor…

Whoa! – what? James-You’ve-Got-a-Friend-Taylor? Kris Kristofferson? Isn’t this a little Country-lite? Lyle, ok, maybe. Butt let’s be honest: Darius Rucker is more a Hootie kind of guy and was only there because there just aren’t that many people of color in either Country or Western genre. And Cowboy Troy was already booked elsewhere.

And I guess we didn’t want any more train wreaks around here. Or chicken jokes, for that matter.

Dierks, while arguably an A-lister, is still Country-lite. Butt we think he can help us out here.

Oh, and sorry. The evening event was mostly closed press. Which is too bad because Lady M wore a lovely pink silk pantsuit. She’s channeling Hillary Clinton because for some odd reason Hill’s more popular in the polls right now than she and Big Guy combined.

pink pantsuitPink: it’s the softer side of red.

We wrapped up the evening with a special request from Big Guy: Allison Krauss sang a rousing version of the old Country and Western classic: Stand By Your Man.

It might even be our new campaign theme song.

Linked By: Larwyn’s Linx on Doug Ross@Journal,Thanks!