A new Lady M book, just in time for your Black Friday shopping spree! Because it’s such a busy day (we’ve got to pardon a turkey while snagging another one to roast) I don’t have much time to comment on this, but Miki Taylor has a new book out: Commander in Chic that I’m sure you’ll enjoy.
Now here I was sitting across from her at the dining room table discussing my vision for the cover—what she should wear, the hair, the makeup, the mood of the shoot, and so on. The conversation was flowing so easily; it was like I was talking to someone I’d known and loved for years. (snip) Moments into the conversation, as I was admiring her ultra-chic dress, we both burst into laughs when she told me it was from H&M! At that point, I said to myself, “Okay, let it go girl. She’s the real deal!” We decided on an elegant purple sheath for the cover and coordinating looks for Sasha and Malia and we were on.
Every detail is coordinated
Leaving the house that day I realized that one of the most fascinating attributes about Mrs. O is that she so gets it on every front. Her approach to life is deliberate across the board, and she’s ever so clear in a world filled with confusion and ever-changing standards about the importance of setting your own.

She’s the woman for all seasons, who knows how to “do levels,” as we say in the community,
Level 1
in that she knows how to look fabulous while being frugal, how to go from comfortably talking with the Queen of England

to encouraging the youngins at Newark, New Jersey’s, Maple Avenue School about the importance of eating healthy.
Sometimes you just have to eat your peas
She’s the sister-girl sprinting in Converse sneakers across the White House lawn by day
Or Jimmy Choo’s
who just as comfortably slips into a dazzling cocktail sheath by Kai Miller by night,
Or McQueen
welcoming Stevie Wonder to her home at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue (see previous page). To say she’s in full management of her own life and yet all the while looking out for the best for others is an understatement. She has revolutionized our thinking about what’s really key to living, not just going through the motions and being at our best in every way.

For certain, she doesn’t just have a full plate,

she’s balancing a platter:

she’s married to the most powerful man in the world, is a great mom, a beloved daughter, and a fab “Sis,” all of which present a full set of responsibilities and cares of the heart. Yet by choice she’s also focused on the wellness of the nation’s children and the well-being of military families.

There’s not one of us who isn’t moved by watching her step to purpose, day in and day out.

We’ve long known her forerunners in our families and in the community as she’s the sister we’ve always looked up to, the more-than-busy mom who still finds time to help others with passion and verve.

She’s the big sister who “never let them see her sweat,”

by staying focused on the duty at hand and all the while managing to keep a sharp eye on enjoying her life.
Villa Padierna, Marbella, Spain
We’ve been waiting a long time for “Michelle Obama”—a true role model, not an icon—to come to life in the White House. This smart, savvy sister who looks like us, speaks like us, and brings a formidable determination to the table

that’s as tall and sure-footed as she is at nearly 5'11", walked in the door, ready to do the critical work.
Are you one of my little people?
Her agenda is our agenda: that of taking back our health, canceling out obesity and therefore disease on our watch. It’s dispelling that “angry Black woman”

syndrome that folks at-large have tried to place on those of us who say what we mean and are affirmed enough to roll up our sleeves and place our hands on our hips while doing so.

She’s not angry, nor are we, just tired of “the way things are,”
I’ve had it up to here!
as she told the women at a Las Vegas community center while on the campaign trail. Having embarked on what she herself has described as one of the best jobs in the world,

she also sees her role as First Lady as an opportunity to help women transform their lives.
Michelle and Barack Obama: transforming America since 1-20-09. Happy Turkey Day to everyone working hard to end the occupation.