After a month of criticism of our Obamacare Website - so full of “glitches” that we can still count on one hand the number of legit enrollees -
We’re #1 – now in 4 different colors!
we’re adopting a whole new approach.
Because apparently the old one didn’t work right
Here are the primary tactics of our new strategy:
#1: Blame the Republicans. This one nearly always works; this time they are culpable because everyone knows they’ve been trying to sabotage Obamacare from the start. And they’re racists.
#2: Blame the greedy, heartless insurance companies. They’re rotten apples. That’s why we need to get rid of them altogether. And go to a single-payer system.
#3: Advise people that the cancellation notices from their insurance companies are a feature of the Affordable Care Act, not a bug. (see “rotten apples,” above)
#4 If all else fails, employ the Clinton Nuclear defense: “Everybody lies about keeping your healthcare plan.”
In case you haven’t figured it out, this new approach is intended to shift the focus away from “OBAMACARE ISN’T WORKING.” Hey, there’s no need to shout, you’ve got our attention!
I don’t know which phony scandal we can refocus on though:
- Benghazi now that we know there were special forces on hand to help; and that the attack was tied to the Muslim Brotherhood – who we were supporting at the time?
- The IRS phony scandal, now that we have confirmation that the IRS did, in fact, illegally give tax data on conservative groups to the FEC?
- Or the NSA, now that we’ve ticked off every one of our foreign friends and enemies; including the Pope?
So many phony scandals to choose from, it’s hard to know which one we can use as a squirrel. Maybe “Fast and Furious.” There’s nothing new being discussed in that phony scandal right now, is there?
Perhaps we need a new squirrel of an entirely different stripe.
Butt sometimes those new squirrels end up looking more like skunks.
Besides, we’ve already got a black and white squirrel around here that stinks a lot.
All skunks worthy of their stripes have developed a deadly stink-eye.
So maybe we’ve reached the point where we need to employ another trick from the trusty progressive playbook; time to “reframe the problem” altogether. Obamacare: it’s so big, so awesome and so grand that no one man, no one woman and no one existing Government Department of Health and Human Services could ever possibly oversee its implementation. We need to form a brand new agency with 10 more levels of oversight and review to ensure it’s successful operation.
Because the first 200 levels aren’t enough
So here’s the deal: this mess is clearly not Barry’s fault. He made it perfectly clear from the gitgo: If HE likes your healthcare plan, you can KEEP your healthcare plan. Period. And I’ve got this fresh new videotape that proves it.
So ask yourself: just whose fault is it that the do-nothing Congress passed a law that they gave to a do-everything-incompetently bureaucracy, led by a know-nothing President?
That’s a rhetorical question, so if you insist on responding, please remember to do so in the form of a question.
Linked By: Larwyn’s Linx on Doug Ross@Journal, and Abby L Call, Mireille Buser on facebook, and BlogsLucianneLoves, and NOBO2012 on Free Republic, Thanks!
Cross-Posted on Patriot Action Network