Saturday, February 7, 2015

I Don’t Think “Existential” Means What You Think It Means.

hope-is-not-a-strategyRelax America, we now have an official national security strategy.

President Obama delivered a long-overdue national security strategy document to Congress Friday, emphasizing diplomacy over military power and warning against American over-reach in world affairs.

The 35-page policy document released yesterday tweaks our previous strategy of Leading From Behind® (LFB). You may recall that the primary tactic of that successful strategy was “don’t do stupid stuff.” As that proved inordinately more difficult to implement than we had HOPE-d, we’ve augmented it – with our new strategy of “don’t do anything.” It’s an extension of our popular “wait and see” attitude towards non-existential threats.

The Two Fat Ladies (RIP, Jennifer and Clarissa) “Wait; Something Will Happen” strategy

Or in Big Guy’s own words: “The challenges we face require strategic patience and persistence.”  Which seems appropriate enough as U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations and Obama puppet, Susan Rice, has informed us that we are not facing an “existential” threat.

“Still, while the dangers we face may be more numerous and varied, they are not of the existential nature we confronted during World War II or during the Cold War.”

Of course neither Susan nor Barry seem to think that Israel is facing an “existential” threat from Iran either so I must conclude that they don’t think “existential” means what I think it means.

late great israel

Anyway, the new strategy document in part shifts the focus: 

“from destroying the Islamic State group to ‘a comprehensive effort to degrade and ultimately defeat’ it.”

Something that Big Guy’s LFB strategy was inordinately incompetent at so maybe this new “Strategic Patience” thing will work out better. If not, I guess we go directly to Plan D, “Conscious Uncoupling.”

Oh wait, we’ve already tried that.

And if that doesn’t work I guess we all have to go into group therapy:

GROUP therapy

So everybody: cross your fingers and HOPE that our “Strategic Patience” works out.

to do list nothingDONE!

Linked By: BlogsLucianneLoves, and Free Republic, Thanks!

Cross-Posted on RedState and Patriot Action Network

Friday, February 6, 2015

The Sermon on the “Mount”

We experienced another historical first at yesterday’s National Prayer Breakfast. In this, the sixth year of the Age of Obama, the Dali Lama attend the event for the first time.

05firstdraft-dalai-lama-tmagArticleThe Dali Lama, legitimate spiritual and political leader of Tibet

Even more historical, Big Guy – already America’s political leader - assumed the mantle of America’s spiritual leader as well.

www.usnews.comThe Barry, political, spiritual and material leader of America

By doing so he shed the historical separation of church and state in order to deliver a sermon on his mount (aka “high horse”).

horses ass by portapotties

In the past, Presidents have always attended the Prayer Breakfast butt left the spiritual homilies to the ministers, priests, rabbis, and more recently, Imams. This year however Big Guy took to the bully pulpit having decided that he and he alone was qualified to address the sticky wicket that is Islam.

So while Jordan’s King Abdullah II was delivering this message about the evil of ISIS:

“This is a war the world cannot afford to lose. But to win it, all of us must be in it, to stand as partners in the fight against today's threats and to go beyond, to build the conditions for humanity to live together in peace.”

Our self-designated spiritual leader was preaching to his congregation that we had to…get off our high horse? That’s right: in his best professorial tone Big Guy lectured us about all the atrocities committed in the name of Christ from the Crusades thru Selma:

“Humanity has been grappling with these questions throughout human history.  And lest we get on our high horse and think this is unique to some other place, remember that during the Crusades and the Inquisition, people committed terrible deeds in the name of Christ.  In our home country, slavery and Jim Crow all too often was justified in the name of Christ.”

trojan-horse_obamacare1My, that’s a really high horse!

He attempted to stay above the fray by cloaking himself in the arrogance of moral equivalency butt the mumbo-jumbo didn’t play well to the crowd of mostly moral absolutists. They were a bit too rigid and inflexible to  grasp his 1000 year old straw men arguments, and even if they did, felt his thesis paled in the face of the absolute evil in the here and now.

straw-man22Butt, butt…CRUSADES! And JIM CROW!

And I’m fairly certain that it was the Christians among us who fought for the abolition of slavery in both Europe and America, not the Muslims who, last time I checked, still practice slavery around the world. Butt I guess we’re to ignore that, along with the routine beheadings, crucifixions, tortures, mass killings of civilians, burying children alive and tossing of gay men off the roof of buildings because, well CRUSADES!

So I think I agree with Big Guy: get off that high horse of yours.

trojan-horse-usa-cuba“We are all Americans”

In all likelihood it’s a Trojan Horse anyway.

Furthermore, if Big Guy wants to continue to deliver sermons from his mount -

horses-ass which way you going broNo disrespect intended to horses asses

I would like to respectfully suggest that he resign his commission and take his preaching to the streets he came from. He could team up with the Reverend Al and practice what he preaches for profit. Of course they’d have to straightening out that little tax misunderstanding with the IRS first; you know, everybody “pay their fair share.”


Linked By: BlogsLucianneLoves, and Free Republic, Thanks!

Cross-Posted on RedState and Patriot Action Network

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Everybody Lies About War Stories

am sniperWell, not EVERYbody

What is it about Leftists who, despite their professed distaste for war, keep injecting themselves into the middle of all the “kinetic military action?” First Hillary, “misspoke” about being fired on by snipers in Bosnia (she wasn’t) then Senator Richard Blumenthal misspoke”about his service in Vietnam (he was never there), and now Brian Williams’' retracts claims of being in a helicopter that took RPG fire confessing he made a mistake in recalling the events” and that he was actually on an aircraft behind the one that was fired upon (an hour “behind”).

As unlikely as it is that people could misremember being in the middle of a firefight (or in Blumenthal’s case, an entire war) we are asked to believe that these two pols and one journalist all share the same memory flaw that led to an in incorrect recollection of being a target of enemy fire. I suppose it could even lead you to misremember being in basic training, Army Ranger School and 3 tours of combat: (warning: nsfw)

Okay, I’ll play along; I do believe they all share the same mental tic: it’s called “lying.” My larger concern: if they’ll lie to us about that, what else might they lie to us about?

lieFriedrich Nietzsche

In other news: our new Secretary of Defense testified to Congress yesterday that what we all feared was in fact the truth: we don’t really have a strategy for fighting ISIS.


And I see Jeb Bush unofficially kicked off his presidential campaign at the Detroit Economic Club yesterday, where he backed off a bit on some of his previous suggestions regarding our “immigration problem.” For instance, he didn’t mention one of his previous ideas – that Detroit use immigration to "repopulate" the city. I’m guessing that’s because somebody advised him that Detroit, or at least neighboring Dearborn, has already been “repopulated” with immigrants:

FrontThe Islamic Center of America, largest mosque in the country, in Dearborn, Michigan

And they’re doing quite nicely there, thank you very much.

So allow me to wrap up this “great world thinkers” post by saying that we just need to be more accepting of diversity when it comes to this lying thing, because lying isn’t the same in all cultures.


So please try to keep that in mind the next time you’re inclined to criticize Big Guy, or any of his little people, for being less than completely honest with the American people. He’s just practicing tolerance.


How Islamic “tolerance” works:

taqiyya and kitman

P.S. Don’t miss the next exciting episode of “War Stories, With Brian Williams”

Snagged from THE POWERS THAT BE via Doug Ross

Linked By: Larwyn’s Linx on Doug Ross@Journal, and BlogsLucianneLoves, and Free Republic, Thanks!

Cross-Posted on RedState and Patriot Action Network

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

It’s Hump Day in Obama’s Amerika

Another hump day in Obama’s Amerika,


another week of seemingly endless atrocities.

Should I start internationally? With the barbarism of ISIS? I see some people, like this Gawker writer, are more concerned with the way the retaliation executions in Jordan might get spun than the atrocity itself.


Butt don’t worry, Barry is on top of it.

Obama on Tuesday said that if the video proved authentic, it would “redouble the vigilance and determination on the part of a global coalition to make sure [the Islamic State is] degraded and ultimately defeated.”

Did he mention that GM is alive and Bin Laden is dead? No? Well he did say:

"Whatever ideology they’re operating off of, it’s bankrupt,”

WhatEVER?” – He still can’t bring himself to say: Islamic terrorism. Against his religion, or something, I guess.

We should cut him some slack; as he explained to the out-of-order reporter who asked him about it, he wasn’t there to discuss barbaric acts by terrorists abroad, he was there to discuss the benefits of Obamacare at home.

Plus, his overlord was at his side, making sure he didn’t say anything untoward:

barry valWait, it looks like we put the emPHAsis on the wrong sylLAble:

jarrett obama focusThere, fixed it.

Or perhaps you’d prefer to focus on domestic atrocities on this over the hump day? Like the revelation of The Big Lie: 5.6% Unemployment? Where the LoFo’s are finally let in on the scam that the government’s been running on them for years? Don’t worry, they aren’t paying attention now either.

Besides, all our jobs are going to illegals anyway. It’s just that now we know why.

Or maybe you’re more interested in Madame Presumed President: how she’s flip-flopped on vaccines now that she’s an all-knowing Grandma?

hillary knows best

Or how about those previously unheard tapes on “that Libya problem?”

The tapes included candid conversations and allegations that Mrs. Clinton took the U.S. to war on false pretenses and was not listening to the advice of military commanders or career intelligence officers.


Oh dear, this is “Hillary’s War?” Oh noes! Could she have “blood on her hands?” Let’s not jump to any conclusions. I’m willing to allow Trey Gowdy to handle that. 


And just let the chips fall where they may.

Hilary-Clinton-IT-WASNT-MEhands up don't shootHands up! Don’t shoot!

Linked By: BlogsLucianneLoves, and Free Republic, Thanks!

Cross-Posted on RedState and Patriot Action Network

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Look What You Can Do Without the Government

“It might be tough, but my dad used to say, tough times don't last — tough people do." – James Robertson

635582490234214435-012915-james-the-walker-rg-34James, on his 21 mile daily commute on foot

I know we could all use a feel-good story, and I have a doozy for you today.

It comes to us from - of all places – Detroit. As you read James’ story you may begin to understand what once made Detroit a great city; a monument to American enterprise and the “Arsenal of Democracy” before the liberals took it over and tried to “fix” it with government dollars. It’s because people like James used to be the norm here, not an oddity of such note that it’s news worthy.

This is James’ story:

Leaving home in Detroit at 8 a.m., James Robertson doesn't look like an endurance athlete.

Pudgy of form, shod in heavy work boots, Robertson trudges almost haltingly as he starts another workday.

But as he steps out into the cold, Robertson, 56, is steeled for an Olympic-sized commute. Getting to and from his factory job 23 miles away in Rochester Hills, he'll take a bus partway there and partway home. And he'll also walk an astounding 21 miles.

Five days a week. Monday through Friday. Read the whole, amazing story here.



James’ daily commute; notable only because 21 miles of it is covered on foot.

Yes, you read that right, 21 miles a day. And he’s been performing this Sisyphean effort for 10 years, ever since his car died in 2005. In order to get to work on time for his 2:00-10:00 pm shift he has to leave home at 8:00 am. He doesn’t return until early morning the next day – sometimes as late as 4:00 am. He gets by on an average of 2 hours during the work week and “catches up” on the weekend.

More astounding still: James has a perfect attendance record for the entire dozen years he’s been working at Schain Mold & Engineering in Rochester Hills.

plant manager todd DFP-james-the-walker-rg-09James and plant manager Todd Wilson, whose wife fixes dinner for James every night.

Why does he do it?

Robertson has simple words for why he is what he is, and does what he does. He speaks with pride of his parents, including his father's military service. "I just get it from my family.

"I can't imagine not working," he says

How does he do it”

"One word — faith," Robertson says. "I'm not saying I'm a member of some church. But just before I get home, every night, I say, 'Lord, keep me safe.' " Robertson adds, "I should've told you there's another thing: determination."

While the reporter who filed James story originally also had an undercurrent storyline running about the lack of mass transit in the “motor city” the only real story here is of one man’s extraordinary work ethic, commitment and perseverance. It is the story of James Robertson, doing what he has to do to keep his job and keep food on the table.

detroit-public-sector-unions-fail-pat-buchanan-620x412God helps those who help themselves.

The author makes no note of the fact, and probably is to young to know, that this city was once predominantly populated by people just like James, both black and white citizens who were fiercely committed to doing whatever it took. It was that type of mindset that created the modern automotive industry and all of its spin off businesses. It’s the kind of mindset that vanishes when government steps in to do for you what you once were able, and willing, to do for yourself, no matter how hard.

But that’s not the feel-good part of the story. That would be here. On reading James’ story a young Wayne State computer science student decided to set up a crowd funding site to raise enough money for James to get a car and pay the high cost of insurance on it in Detroit, Several others had the same idea; they co-ordinated their efforts. Meanwhile a downriver auto dealer offered to give James his choice of a 2014 Chevrolet Cruz or Sonic. Many others offered used cars, money or rides. As of Monday night, $130,000 had been raised. A vice-president at a local bank, who befriended James after seeing him on his daily trek so often that he finally stopped to see if he could give him a lift, has offered to set up an oversight board to help James manage the donations that are rolling in.

635582485819943854-012915-james-the-walker-rg-30James getting a lift from his friend, UBS banker Blake Pollock.

Most amazing of all: this happy outcome happened without the intervention of one single government agency or service: the Justice Department was not consulted to make sure James’ civil rights were not being violated. The Labor Department was not called upon to demand that James hourly wage be increased. The EPA did not have to order an environmental impact study on James’ new car, nor was Commerce consulted regarding the economic analysis of James’ additional free time. OSHA did not have to issue new regulations for walking to work, and HHS did not show up to perform a mental health assessment on James. Although I am fairly certain that the IRS will be on site shortly to extract their “fair share” of James endowment.

Instead, James story just struck a note in the hearts of middle class Americans in middle America: empathy for a fellow human being who has been doing for a decade what most people could not imagine doing for a day. And they did what good, decent people people have always done; they rallied their resources to assist James. Because often people of good heart are more than willing to help out a fellow human being without the manipulation of social programs or the coercion of monetary reward/punishment. More amazing still to the bureaucrats in Washington, all this good will appears to be without bias; colorblind acts of random kindness taking place in Detroit, one of the most racially segregated cities in the country. That definitely doesn’t fit the current racial profiling template of the Obama administration.

So that’s all, just one little story of an amazing man and an amazing community-of-man that has responded to him. Allow it to lessen the grip that cynicism has had on your heart. America is still the greatest country on earth. Do whatever you can to keep it that way.

635582485788745454-010915-DFP-james-the-walker-rg-02All I know for sure is that if Obama had a son, he wouldn’t look anything like James Robertson


Today’s post was brought to you by Dewey From Detroit.

Linked By: BlogsLucianneLoves, and Free Republic, Thanks!

Cross-Posted on RedState and Patriot Action Network

Monday, February 2, 2015

The Paper Lion

There sure are a lot of Patriot haters and sore losers out there today. Including Big Guy.

Never Won to miss an opportunity to stick his finger in the eye of the loyal opposition, Barry used the normally innocuous presidential half-time interview as an opportunity to spike his deflated balls.

635576090676929904-AP-Super-Bowl-FootballsBarry’s Balls: Don’t touch

When Savannah Guthrie asked BO if he was planning to take a more conciliatory approach with Congress now that the Republican are now in control of both houses his response was classic ball-spiker:

 “My job is to present the right ideas, and if Republicans think they’ve got better ideas, they should present them.”

Which is a new twist on the old problem of Republican’s having ideas of any sort:

“You don’t like a particular policy or a particular president? Then argue for your position. Go out there and win an election. Push to change it.” – BHO October 17, 2013

I hate to state the obvious, butt the Republicans DID win an election. And as Big Guy himself told us in 2009, “elections have consequences.” Although I guess that only applies if I won.” Winning an election is no longer good enough to get your way if you’re an R-word, because we just moved the goalpost.

Now BO’s advice to the R’s is less “push to change it” and  more “shove it.”

obama-spikes-football_thumb[6]My ball, my rules, my game.

Therefore BO’s sending his $4 trillion budget to Congress today, replete with massive new government spending programs, for them to pass, no questions asked because:

“My job is not to trim my sails and not (to) tell the American people what we should be doing, pretending somehow that we don’t need better roads, or we don’t need more affordable college.”

So, have you got that? This is Big Guy’s halftime vision for America: Heads, I win; Tails, you lose. It’s the Obama way.

halftime in America

Personally I  prefer this vintage (2012) view of halftime in America:

Butt man, it’s hard to rally when every time you think you’ve scored, the goal post moves. Butt that’s how it is in Obama’s America now. We’ve evened the playing field so that everybody gets a fair shot, everybody get’s a fair deal. That way, even a Paper Lion can win.

paper lionWhat a coincidence: they both wear the same number.

Here’s Savannah’s interview – in the kitchen – if you want to watch:


Linked By: Larwyn’s Linx on Doug Ross@Journal, and BlogsLucianneLoves, and Free Republic, Thanks!

Cross-Posted on RedState and Patriot Action Network

The Paper Lion

There sure are a lot of Patriot haters and sore losers out there today. Including Big Guy.

Never Won to miss an opportunity to stick his finger in the eye of the loyal opposition, Barry used the normally innocuous presidential half-time interview as an opportunity to spike his deflated balls.

635576090676929904-AP-Super-Bowl-FootballsBarry’s Balls: Don’t touch

When Savannah Guthrie asked BO if he was planning to take a more conciliatory approach with Congress now that the Republican are now in control of both houses his response was classic ball-spiker:

 “My job is to present the right ideas, and if Republicans think they’ve got better ideas, they should present them.”

Which is a new twist on the old problem of Republican’s having ideas of any sort:

“You don’t like a particular policy or a particular president? Then argue for your position. Go out there and win an election. Push to change it.” – BHO October 17, 2013

I hate to state the obvious, butt the Republicans DID win an election. And as Big Guy himself told us in 2009, “elections have consequences.” Although I guess that only applies if I won.” Winning an election is no longer good enough to get your way if you’re an R-word, because we just moved the goalpost.

Now BO’s advice to the R’s is less “push to change it” and  more “shove it.”

obama-spikes-football_thumb[6]My ball, my rules, my game.

Therefore BO’s sending his $4 trillion budget to Congress today, replete with massive new government spending programs, for them to pass, no questions asked because:

“My job is not to trim my sails and not (to) tell the American people what we should be doing, pretending somehow that we don’t need better roads, or we don’t need more affordable college.”

So, have you got that? This is Big Guy’s halftime vision for America: Heads, I win; Tails, you lose. It’s the Obama way.

halftime in America

Personally I  prefer this vintage (2012) view of halftime in America:

Butt man, it’s hard to rally when every time you think you’ve scored, the goal post moves. Butt that’s how it is in Obama’s America now. We’ve evened the playing field so that everybody gets a fair shot, everybody get’s a fair deal. That way, even a Paper Lion can win.

paper lionWhat a coincidence: they both wear the same number.

Sunday, February 1, 2015

My Secret Ski Date at Deer Valley - Hint: He’s Not Running for President in 2016

I have to make this a quickie as I have a ski date at Deer Valley this morning.


I’ll have to turn my snowboard in for skis today, as they don’t allow ‘boarding at Deer Valley. That’s okay though, I’m ambidextrous.


Then I have to scamper back to the mountain bunker to watch Tom Brady whup-up on the Seahawks (apologies in advance to Seahawks fans, if there are any) so he can pick up his 4th Super Bowl ring – because what can you do with just 3 when you have 5 fingers, on both hands?

3 rings

So, did my post title pique your curiosity as to whom I will be skiing with? I can’t actually say, butt I can tell you he isn’t running for President in 2016. And speaking of running/not running for President in 2016, what do you think of Mitt’s decision to exit the race and give Jeb the back of his hand on the way out?

“I believe that one of our next generation of Republican leaders, one who may not be as well known as I am today, one who has not yet taken their message across the country, one who is just getting started, may well emerge as being better able to defeat the Democrat nominee.”

APTOPIX Romney 2012“Sorry, that leaves you out you old cowboy.”

Butt the more important question today might be:

Well, I’ve got to run if I’m going to make first tracks. If there’s anything you want me to ask my ski date while we’re on the chairlift just tweet me; butt no softballs, please. I’m saving those for Tom Brady.

1Most wins in NFL playoff history, 3 Superbowl rings, a supermodel wife – how can you not hate him?

Ok - I really shouldn’t tease you; the truth is I’m skiing with Little Mo. I was just trying my hand at writing cable news style teasers to boost my viewership. Butt who knows; I understand Mitt’s got a pretty nice spread somewhere around here. Maybe I will run into him on the slopes…figuratively speaking of course. Which is different from “literally” even if Joey doesn’t know it.

joey b literally

Of course there are 2 Americas, so maybe in one of them…


Have a nice Sunday everyone, even if you literally hate football.

Linked By: BlogsLucianneLoves, and Free Republic, Thanks!

Cross-Posted on RedState and Patriot Action Network