Zilla of the Resistance has just announced her Awards for Awesomeness and guess what? We’re all winners!
Best Place for Mocking the Obamas: MOTUS
Most Fun Comments Sections to Hang Out In: MOTUS andiOwnTheWorld
First Class Snark: Waznmentobe, iOwnTheWorld, Moonbattery, MOTUS, and, Doug Ross
That’s us, people! The mockers, the commenters the snarkers! So take a bow and congratulations all around for contributing to Team MOTUS’ big, big win!
And a big big thanks to Zilla for the honor. As well as congratulations to all her other winners (especially our own Granny Jan, Bunni and Adrienne, and our most loyal and faithful linkers Larwyn and Doug Ross).
So go check out Zilla’s complete list and visit any of the sites you’re not already familiar with: they’re all great. Otherwise, would they be winners? I think not.
Welcome to the first annual Zilla Awards for Awesomeness in the Dextrosphere! Conservative Bloggers may be the Chopped Liver of the Right, but in my eyes they are the finest cuts of the very best red meat, and now it is time to recognize the bestiest of that best. Here are your winners of the Zilla Awards for Awesomeness in the Dextrosphere who kicked ass all over the interwebz in 2011:
Best Artist: Bosch Fawstin
Best Place for Mocking the Obamas: MOTUS
Entertainment Industry Awesomeness: FilmLadd
Best New Blogs: The Prophet’s Mercy, Liberated, and The Daily Stink
Multi-Media: DaTechguy’s Blog
Best Original Reporting: The Other McCain and DaTechguy’s Blog
Best New York Blog: The Lonely Conservative
Best New Jersey Blog: WyBlog
Best Canadian Blog: Blazing Cat Fur
Best at Advocating for the Hitting of Bloggers’ Tip Jars: The Other McCain, The Sundries Shack, DaTechguy, The Conservatory
Most Under-Appreciated: The Other McCain
Righteous Badassery: Bare Naked Islam (note: due to incessant whining and threats from sharia pushing terror tied islamic supremacist Muslim Brotherhood front group CAIR, BNI is being forced off of WordPress and will soon be found at its new location,BareNakedIslam.com)
Most Eloquent and Powerful Writing: Sultan Knish
Most Fun Comments Sections to Hang Out In: MOTUS andiOwnTheWorld
Blogging Super Couple (U.S.A.): Always on Watch and Mr. Always On Watch
Blogging Super Couple (Canada): Blazing Cat Fur and Five Feet of Fury
Mighty Warrior for Freedom and Human Rights: Atlas Shrugs
Scholarly Counter-jihad: Jihad Watch
Bold and Fun to Read Counter-jihad: Winds of Jihad by SheikYerMami
Counter-jihad With a Specialty in Advocating for Persecuted Christians in the Balkans: 1389 Blog
Best Early Morning News Links: Wombat Socho at The Other McCain and From the Desk of Lady Liberty
Best Daily Blogger Link-Around: Larwyn’s Linx at Doug Ross
Most Helpful to New and Smaller Blogs: Doug Ross, Blazing Cat Fur, and iOwnTheWorld
Best at Providing Miraculous Surges in Blog Traffic: Instapundit
Best Weekly Round-up of Fellow Bloggers’ Blog Posts:Conservative Hideout, Teresamerica, Proof Positive, and Eye of Polyphemous
Best Place to Find Cuteness: Amusing Bunni’s Musings
Best Catholic Blog: Catholic Bandita
Nicest Bloggers: Adrienne’s Corner, Bread Upon The Waters,DaTechguy’s Blog, The Sundries Shack, Pundit & Pundette, and, The Lonely Conservative
Best Pro-Life Advocacy: Catholic Bandita, and Pundit & Pundette
Hardest Working Blogger: Robert Stacy McCain - The Other McCain
Best Blogger Sidekick: Smitty - The Other McCain
Best Blogs from Kick-ass U.S. Military Vets: Knuckledraggin my life away and The Anti-Liberal Zone
Best Blogs by Professors: American Power, Legal Insurrection,Instapundit
Best Blogging by a Blogger while on Active Duty in the Military: Smitty at The Other McCain
Best All-Around Blogging: Maggie’s Notebook, iOwnTheWorld,The Lonely Conservative, Doug Ross, Nice Deb, The Other McCain,Pundit & Pundette, and, Gateway Pundit
Fantastic Jewish Bloggers: Atlas Shrugs, Elder of Ziyon, Sultan Knish, YID With LID, Bare Naked Islam
New Blog with Really Funny Cartoons: The Morlock Revolt
First Class Snark: Waznmentobe, iOwnTheWorld, Moonbattery,MOTUS, and, Doug Ross
Best Videos: Granny Jan and Jihad Kitty
Best Brainy Blog that is also Fun to Read: Fuzzy Logic
Most Thoughtful Blogger: Adrienne’s Corner
Best Bumper Sticker Photos: Legal Insurrection
Best Reference Source for the Counter Jihad: The Religion of Peace
Most Prolific: Instapundit
Best Place to Find New Ideas to Blog About: Instapundit and The Religion of Peace
Thanks again Zilla, for a very exciting Saturday!