Saturday, May 13, 2017

The Media Literally Lies

When the “media”  is simply another outpost of Democratic operatives you pretty much know what to expect.

And in other fake news today:

Fake news. More fake news, fake news, fake news. Fake news, fake news fake news fake news 2fake news fake news, fake news. Fake news, fake news fake news fake news fake news fake news, fake news. Fake news, fake news fake news fake news fake news fake news, fake news. Fake news, fake news fake news fake news fake news fake news, fake news. Fake news, fake news fake news fake news fake news fake news, fake news. Fake news, fake news fake news fake news fake news fake news, fake news.

Fake news. More fake news, fake news, fake news. Fake news, fake news fake news fake news fake news fake news, fake news. Fake news, fake news fake news fake news fake news fake news, fake news. Fake news, fake news fake news fake news fake news fake news, fake news. Fake news, fake news fake news fake news fake news fake news, fake news. Fake news, fake news fake news fake news fake news fake news, fake news. Fake news, fake news fake news fake news fake news fake news, fake news.

And we have no evidence to back this up but I’m just going to put it out there anyway for your information:  Trump is literally Hitler!”

trump hitler

All of which I submit as prima facie evidence that MSM reportage is inaccurate, misleading and just plain wrong. A modicum of research would have easily established that Donald J. Trump is in fact Donald John Trump.


Furthermore, the only person who is literally Hitler is…

literally hitler

Linked By: Larwyn’s Linx on Doug Ross@Journal, and BlogsLucianneLoves, and Free Republic, Thanks!

Friday, May 12, 2017

Things Could Always Be Worse.

File today’s post under “it could always be worse.”

When word of Comey’s demise got out the Left immediately began hyperventilating that his firing presented a constitutional crisis. (Trump’s worse than Hitler!) Shortly thereafter they converted it into a a “crisis of credibility”  (Trump lied! He’s worse than Hitler!).

I say chill: he was just fired not sent before a firing squad.

trump comey hillary

If you know what I mean and I think you do.

vince foster

Off to my nephew’s wedding, don’t do anything I wouldn’t do while I’m gone.

Linked By: BlogsLucianneLoves, and Free Republic, Thanks!

Thursday, May 11, 2017

Gaslighting ‘R Us

Attention Americans: when you’re not being manipulated you’re being gaslighted.

Butt that’s okay, the looney left is so conditioned to watch and listen for the Pavlovian signals to indicate which way to the feed bag that they’d starve without proper direction from the media mavens.

sheep feedbag

Unfortunately they sometimes  get their signals crossed, as they did at the Colbert show the other night.

CBS Late Show host Stephen Colbert (of ‘cock holster’ infamy) informed his audience Tuesday evening at the taping of the Late Show of the then-breaking news that FBI Director James Comey had just been fired by President Donald Trump. Colbert’s liberal audience erupted in wild cheers at the news that their defeated 2016 presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s nemesis (over his handling of Clinton’s email investigation) was finally dealt justice.

Until their leader set their minds right:

A stunned Colbert rebuked the audience, waving a shaming finger at them and saying, “Huge, huge Donald Trump fans here tonight.”

The liberal sheep in the Colbert audience got the message and then proceeded to jeer Trump as Colbert went through a litany of remarks and jokes attacking Trump over the sudden firing of Comey–including a sex joke about Trump that was not as crude and profane as Colbert’s ‘Trump’s mouth is Putin’s cock holster‘ jibe. - The Gateway Pundit

And then again, sometimes they needn’t say a word in order to get their message out:

So please try to pay close attention in order to get your cues and respond appropriately.

In order to maintain their stranglehold on public opinion the Left deploys a unique 5-prong counter-resistance strategy against their arch enemies:  gaslighting, hyperbole, deceit, destruction and if all that fails, denial. In fact denial is an intrinsic aspect of living in the bubble:

Comey reportedly, though, told associates that he thought Trump was unlikely to fire him, believing his removal would make people revisit how he handled the probe into Hillary Clinton’s email server – in particular the announcement days before the election that they were reopening the investigation. Comey thought that treating his decisions as wrong would call into question Trump’s election victory.

That’s where hubris gets you: you begin to think you’re bullet-proof.

James-Comey-1-1280x720“You are hereby terminated and removed from office, effective immediately," aka, you’re fired.

And just because it’s good to keep your enemies in your site – and because it, unfortunately, never gets old:

Gaslighting  ‘R Us

Linked By: BlogsLucianneLoves, and Free Republic, Thanks!

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Lock ‘Em Up

I wonder what part of “serves at the pleasure of the President” the loonie left doesn’t understand.

But if they insist on “cause” as the standard let’s start with these:

The Tsarnaev bothers: Despite being warned by the Russians (Russia! Russia! Russia!) and despite the fact that the FBI secretly flagged at least one of the “Boston Marathon bombers” as a terrorist threat in his immigration records, (despite publicly denying it had done so). This designation existed right up to the time the bombs went off at Boylston St. on April 15, 2013. Mistakes were made - under someone else’s watch, but Comey did nothing to clean it up.

Nidal Hasan, Fort Hood shooter: the FBI failed to even interview him before his shooting spree despite significant warning signs that he was an Islamic extremist bent on killing civilians. Apparently emails from an Army shrink to a known Islamic terrorist cleric (Al-Awlaki – may he rest in pieces


plus visits to terrorist sites does not rise to the level of “concern” in a Comey FBI. Political correctness took precedence over the lives of Americans. Again, mistakes were made -under someone else’s watch, but again Comey did nothing to clean it up.

You might think he’d be interested in stopping these dropped balls, uncrossed t’s and unconnected dots from happening again. Evidently not, as evidenced by the following incidents:

San Bernardino, December 14, 2015. The perps were radicalized under the watchful eyes of the FBI online before Tashfeen Malik was allowed entry to this country. Oh well, mistakes were made.


Orlando, June 12, 2016. Omar Mateen, 29, opened fire at a gay nightclub, killing 49 and injuring 53. The FBI investigated Mateen twice before his rampage, but did not take any substantive action. Officials believe Mateen was self-radicalized but he pledged fealty to ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi before his death. "The real muslims will never accept the filthy ways of the west," Mateen posted on his Facebook page after committing his heinous act at Pulse nightclub. "I pledge my alliance to (ISIS leader) abu bakr al Baghdadi..may Allah accept me," he wrote. Mistakes were made, needless to say.

These, along with 8 other similar terrorist attacks seem to indicate that Comey’s FBI was less interested in  Islamic terror and more in non-terrorist politically motivated crimes, which he also screwed up.

Lois Lerner and the IRS scandal: Despite clear evidence Lerner willfully took part in criminal activity during her tenure as the Exempt Organizations Division director (from using a phony email to approving the targeting of conservative groups for investigation) the FBI came down on the side of Barack Hussein Obama who stated categorically there wasn’t a “smidgen of scandal” associated with the IRS.

irs lois lernerBecause normally what you say can and will be held against you

Mistakes were made. Not cleaned up.


Hillary Clinton and her toilet server


A clear violation of so many statutes it would make you woozy. Despite exposing confidential emails to foreign (Russia! Russia! Russia!) hackers, the FBI did not deem it a problem because Director Comey did not see fit to prosecute. Because he could not establish “intent” which isn’t and never was a standard for enforcing the law. Mistakes were made, most definitely not cleaned up.

But key the looney left outrage – who were themselves demanding Comey’s head when he tainted Saint Hillary’s doomed presidential bid. They will now be insisting that the firing is because he was getting too close in the Russia! Russia! Russia! – Trump investigation; the one Comey and Clapper testified 3 days ago had not turned up one smidgen of evidence. Conspiracy theories to follow.

I say time to just move along;  just lock ‘em up and move along.

comey lock him upHillary_Clinton_Behind_Bars_6_1200_bordered_640

Bring in the new sheriff in town:


The one in a white hat.

Linked By: Larwyn’s Linx on Doug Ross@Journal, and BlogsLucianneLoves, and Free Republic, Thanks!

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

History: It’s Not What It Used To Be


Black students at Harvard to hold their own commencement ceremony:

Two days before Courtney Woods dresses in a cap and gown for Harvard’s traditional commencement, she will don a stole made of African kente cloth and address the crowd at a somewhat different event: a graduation ceremony for black students.

Student organizers said the event, called Black Commencement 2017, is the first university-wide ceremony for black students at Harvard and is designed to celebrate their unique struggles and achievements at an elite institution that has been grappling with its historic ties to slavery.

Because integration isn’t good enough; they want their specialness acknowledged:

“I can only imagine how special I will feel when I walk across that stage and be able to honor my identity and my struggle at Harvard,” said Woods, who is completing a master’s degree at the Graduate School of Education. “I know this is exactly what students like me need to be inspired as we leave this place as emerging global leaders.”

Is it just me or is this not the very definition of irony?


Insisting on something their grandparents marched – and some even died – for?


But the most important thing now is that they feel special because you see, it’s not that Jim Crow laws were wrong, it’s that they had the equation backwards.


The black community was rightfully angry when we lived in a country where things were “separate but equal”, but in today’s society, everything must be separated for them to “celebrate their unique struggles” and the “white” students have to watch and be made aware of “black excellence”. Gateway Pundit

So one more time, a Tweet that unfortunately never seems to grow old:


History: it’s really what you make of it.


BTW, I understand William Jefferson Clinton is writing a revisionist autobiography too. Bound to be a barnstormer blockbuster.

Linked By: Larwyn’s Linx on Doug Ross@Journal, and BlogsLucianneLoves, and Free Republic, Thanks!

Monday, May 8, 2017

That Movie Doesn’t End Well

Quite a weekend.

  • Frost warnings all across the MidWest:

spring frostSpring Frost, 1919, Elioth Gruner

In and effort to win the hearts and what’s left of the minds of the American public Democrats went on the Sunday shows to wail about the black hearts of Republicans and their healthcare plan which will “kill thousands of people.” Even the chief architect of the Obamacare disaster took to the airwaves to explain how Trump is the one responsible for Obamacare’s implosion:

…said the man who told us it was “the stupidity of the American voter” that required him to obfuscate (lie about) the details about Obamacare.

  • Obama accepted the JFK Profiles in Courage (Ha!) Award - and spoke without a teleprompter! Without TOTUS Barry always sounds like he’s either slow-jamming the news with Jimmy Fallon, or that he’s high on something. Mind you, I’m not saying he wasn’t.

bo and mo together againSame goes for what’s-her-name

“I hope that current members of Congress recognize it takes little courage to aid those who are already powerful, already comfortable, already influential — but it takes great courage to champion the vulnerable and the sick and the infirm,” said the weasel who told us that if we liked our healthcare plan we could keep our healthcare plan.

  • And across the giant frog pond, the French cheese eating surrender monkeys morphed into human lemmings and committed mass suicide.


They elected a pretty boy who obviously has mommy issues and has never held a real job. Have they not been paying attention to anything for the past 8 years? That movie doesn’t end well.

Linked By: Larwyn’s Linx on Doug Ross@Journal, and BlogsLucianneLoves, and Free Republic, Thanks!

Sunday, May 7, 2017

Another Drink Won’t Help

More on the life and (NY) Times in these United States; the debate continues over whether JournOLists are simple, useful idiots or simply willful simpletons. Not that it matters, either way their “stories” are based on ideology rather than fact.

Take economics for example:

When the New York Times wrote about Venezuela's ongoing collapse a year ago, it described how the country was suffering "painful shortages … even of basic foods," and how "electricity and water are being rationed, and huge areas of the country have spent months with little of either."

Here is how the Times explained the reason for Venezuela's dire situation: "

obama useful idiot journalistsThe growing economic crisis (was) fueled by low prices for oil, the country's main export; a drought that has crippled Venezuela's ability to generate hydroelectric power; and a long decline in manufacturing and agricultural production." - IBD

Nary a mention of the fact that Hugo Chavez nationalized the oil industry, agricultural operations, transportation, power generation, telecommunications, steel production and banks and that it is the path that his successor Nicolás Maduro has continued down. So either they know absolutely nothing about economics or they chose to lie rather than reveal the truth about socialism.

It is their unwillingness to admit that socialism can't work that drives so many mainstream journalists to look for something, anything, else to blame when socialist economies invariable fail.

recycled communism socialism

They keep waking up with the same hangover but refuse to admit what’s causing it.

the-definition-of-insanity-quote-origininsanity def

Linked By: Larwyn’s Linx on Doug Ross@Journal, and BlogsLucianneLoves, and Free Republic, Thanks!