A Congressional delegation goes trick or treating:
“A witch, a toad, a ghost and a bat. A vampire, a mummy, a yellow-eyed cat. A fairy, a ghoul, and a plump little rat.”
From Halloween Night written by Marjorie Dennis Murray, illustrated by Brandon Dorman
It’s Halloween – and I’ve got some treats for you.
First, a Halloween performance of “Staying Alive” by some of America’s most talented politicians from both sides of the aisle. Performing for the R’s: John Kasich, Lindsey Graham and Jeb! And for the D’s - who else? - Hillary and Bernie. It’s a cast which despite all odds has somehow managed to hang in there.
Their backup band is the highly acclaimed group, the Vampoodles:
They’re cute, butt don’t get too close; I’m not sure they even know they’re vampires.
Anyway, if you need a little food to sustain you for the onslaught of trick or treaters why not grab yourself a pizza,
and perhaps a nice Halloween cocktail if you’re so inclined: the Candy Corn Martini with Pop Rocks is hot this time of year.
And speaking of candy corn, allow me to introduce you to our new food pyramid. I haven’t run it by Lady M yet, butt I’m sure she’ll approve:
New USDA approved food pyramid
Happy Halloween!
Linked By: iOTWREPORT, and Larwyn’s Linx on Doug Ross@Journal, and BlogsLucianneLoves, and Free Republic, Thanks!
Cross-Posted on Patriot Action Network