Monday, April 13, 2015

Enter the Dragon Lady


Apparently there were some (many) who did not find Hillary’s (can I still call her that?) roll out amazing. Some felt her new logo looked like a sign directing you to the nearest hospital:

hillary logo.jpg.CROP.promovar-mediumlarge

While others thought her video announcement looked more like a Colonial Penn Life Insurance commercial.

Some took the opportunity to remind the electorate that this would be another 2 for the price of 1 campaign:

Bill-and-Hillary-campaign-logosh/t Bookworm

bill-clinton-dogBuy one pantsuit, get the Big Dawg for free!

The mainstream however was very impressed:

Hillary Clinton’s campaign announcement on Sunday lit up Facebook — and made a bigger splash than the announcements of Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) or Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.).

There were 10.1 million interactions on the social network about Clinton’s announcement originating form 4.7 million users in the 24 hours around the launch, Facebook said.

Clinton’s sleek announcement video was also viewed more than 1.8 million times on the social platform.

There was no breakdown of how many of those hits were pointing out the gaffe in the first ever Hillary For America press release, “…she’s fought children and families all her career.”

alg-russia-hillary-clinton-jpg“Bring it!”

And with that pugnacious past she is presumably well qualified to carry on Big Guy’s fight against America:

Barry, trashing America again, at the Summit of the Americas in Panama City in the presence of Communist leaders of Cuba and Venezuela, well known antagonists of families and children.

I am a student of history so I tend to actually be familiar with many of these episodes that have been mentioned. I am the first one to acknowledge that America’s application to concern around human rights has not always been consistent. And, I’m certainly mindful that there are dark chapters in our own history in which we have not always observed the principles and ideals upon which the country was founded. Just a few weeks ago I was in Selma, Alabama celebrating the 50th anniversary of a march across a bridge that resulted in horrific violence and the reason I was there and the reason it was a celebration is because it was a triumph of human spirit in which ordinary people without resort to violence were able to overcome systematic segregation. There voices were heard and our country changed. America never makes a claim about being perfect, we do make a claim about being open to change.”

So, since we’ve tried that unicorn thing with limited success:

unicorn kingObama Rainbow Unicorn_thumb[2]

I for WON advocate we come back down to earth. Let’s give broccoli another chance.


2013-1-30-carl-rose-broccoli cartoon

The above political message was brought to you by Little Mo, who has no skin in the game.

little mo and broccoli

Linked By: Larwyn’s Linx on Doug Ross@Journal, and BlogsLucianneLoves, and Free Republic, Thanks!

Cross-Posted on Patriot Action Network