Monday, September 21, 2015

And Now, For All the Money, the Final Category in “Family Feud”

If Joey B decides to throw his hat into the ring it will be a real toss up to determine who has the best arithmetic skills: Joey, for simultaneously demonstrating his command of both language and math with this: “a 3 letter word: JOBS!,” Or Hillary, doing the same, with her response to the probing inquiry on Face the Nation: J. Dickerson: "Describe yourself in 3 words.” Hillary: “I am a real person!” 

And if I weren’t, would I be able to do this bobble-head impersonation?!

bobble head-WM

Furthermore, Hillary would like you all to know that she apologizes for using her private email server while serving as SOS, even though it was all “allowed.”

Why? Because she skirted administration policy and potentially exposed confidential national security communications? No, because the controversy has overshadowed her accomplishments as Secretary of State in her 2016 bid for president. – Fortune

Wait, let’s try a take 2 on that issue:

“I’m sorry that I made a choice that has raised all of these questions because I don’t like reading that people have questions about what I did and how I did it.”

No, no indeed…I don’t suppose you do:


Family Feud category of the day - Things a Replicant Might Say:

hillary replicantDing-Ding-Ding-Ding!

Linked By: BlogsLucianneLoves, and Free Republic, Thanks!

Cross-Posted on Patriot Action Network