Tuesday, June 21, 2016

“Now the Circle is Complete.”

I totally forgot to congratulate Hillary on the arrival of her second grandchild! So congrats: now your legacy is complete.

However, I was alarmed when I saw her arriving to meet the new grandson at Lenox hospital in New York:


I kept wondering: precisely what type of “Senior Care Emergency Medical Services” were required here?

And, as RobinH asked the other day, who walks like that?

hills walking funny

And who swaddles themselves like that, in head-to-toe black during the summer solstice?

hillary witch

Well, other than Muslims…

Beach burka.2png

And Big Foot?

mobuttMichelle is known for her clean and classic style and she loves to wear lesser known labels. On this ocassion (sic) the First Lady chose to recylce (sic) an old favorite from her wardrobe”

And perhaps the Prince of Darkness himself:

hillary darth vader“Now the circle is complete.”

Linked By: BlogsLucianneLoves, and Free Republic, Thanks!

Cross-Posted on Patriot Action Network