Sunday, August 19, 2018

On the Passing of Kofi Annan

God forgive me, but on hearing about the passing of Kofi Annan all I could think of was my favorite breakfast:

Twenty40-Kouign-Amann-Coffee2-min-683x1024Covfefe and Kouign Amman

Black Covfefe and Kouign Amman. That’s how my brain works before covfefe.

In case you’re not familiar with this hard to pronounce (kween-a-mon) pastry it’s a Belgian “cake” comprised of nothing more than buttery pastry layered with sugar that caramelizes to a lacquer coating in the oven. Often described as a cross between a croissant and brioche,

Kouign-amann  Breton cake

I’d say it’s more like a puffy version of a palmier.

palmiersFrench palmier

Eat the first KA at your own peril as they are addictive – don’t say I didn’t warn you. I had my first at Les Madeleine’s in Salt Lake. Next thing I knew, I was making weekly trips down the mountain from Park City to satiate my craving. Then Whole Foods came to town, and if I got up early enough I could snag a fix right down the street. Alas, they are much harder to come by now that I’m back in Motown; I even ventured to a local Whole Foods – not a place I gladly shop - looking for them only to discover they don’t make them in these parts. So I went through withdrawal cold turkey. It was not pretty but at least I lost a few pounds.

But in researching this post look what I discovered: they’re available at Trader Joes – oh Noes! Now the whole ugly cycle is likely to begin again. Although on closer inspection I see the post on TJ’s KAs is from 2014. Odds are better than even that they no longer carry them because every. single. item. I’ve ever discovered and come to love from Trader Joe’s has subsequently been discontinued. Pray that’s the case with their do-it-yourself KAs as well, otherwise I’ll be a junkie again as fast as you can say “black coffee and a Kouign Amann please.”

So have a good day, I have to run as my local Trader Joe’s opens at 8:00 am. Thanks a lot, Kofi Annan.

Linked At: Free Republic, Thanks!