Monday, October 14, 2019

Mirrorless Monday: In Which We Fail To See Christopher Columbus’ Reflection

Here it is, the second Monday in October which means it’s once again Columbus Day, that most contentious of holidays. Columbus Day has unofficially been celebrated since 1792 and has been a national holiday since 1934. Ever since the late 70s there has been a move afoot to “take back the holiday” from the evil white privileged supremacist and celebrate instead those perfectly formed, innocent and peaceful Indigenous Peoples who discovered corn.

Naturally California and universities were the first to embrace this politically correct change, alleging that the man who literally changed the world did so with malice aforethought. We are to believe that Christopher Columbus – who sailed forth into a void that many believed was the edge of the world that he would fall to his death from - in search of the Orient (also no longer politically correct and I don’t even know why) with genocide in his heart. Upon discovering the Americas by accident he set about the intentional destruction of the indigenous peoples. If you doubt for one moment that this is the way history is now taught read the comments on any article about changing the name of the holiday: the little trained rats queue up to share their indoctrinated view of the hateful Christopher Columbus.

Accordingly today’s Google doodle is dedicated not to explorer Christopher Columbus, the man who volunteered to sail off the edge of the world in order to prove it was round and inadvertently ran into the Americas, but rather to Belgian physicist Joseph Antoine Ferdinand Plateau on the occasion of his 218th birth anniversary. This prescient tech giant invented the phenakistiscope, a device that led to the onset of cinema by creating the illusion of moving images. I note that we don’t blame him for the likes of Heaven's Gate, Gigli and Loqueesha.