Thursday, September 30, 2021

Throwback Thursday

A Throwback Thursday challenge:

Fill in the blanks: “If (blank) were a fish, I’d throw (preferred pronoun) back.” Can be either a person or an inanimate object, or both, as in “If Biden were a fish I’d throw it back.” You can also choose a specific site to throw it back, e.g. the swamp, sewer, shark-infested waters, etc.

And to get you in the mood why not start throwback Thursday off right with some coffee and a proper laminated pastry, in this case a croishark.


It looks like somebody had way too much time on their hands during the lockdown.


OK Pepperidge Farm, the ball is in your court. You’ll need to raise the cuteness level a bit to win this round.

FIsh Shaped Cheese Crackers on a White Background

Good luck!