Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Line-up at the Buffet - today’s special: #BuffetRule hash

This is a really, really long chart, so scroll away:

buffet rule effect from ACEh/t Ace

Well, ok, since this has been floating around for a week or so now, we can finally get to the truth: the Buffet Rule is really more about spreading the wealth around. Just not that much wealth, according to the CBO, so it’s more symbolic of where we intend to go from here.


So anyway, the “Buffet Rule” was never about paying down the deficit? It was about making life “fair” all along?

The goal, Mr. Furman explained, is to establish a "a basic issue of tax fairness."

That’s something even your Mom was never able to do. I guess that technically does make this the ultimate nanny state edict rule.


I wonder if we should start with Big Guy’s staff? As of February they still collectively owed $833,000 in back taxes. And Warren Buffet? He could just go ahead and pay the $1 billion the IRS says he owes instead of fighting it. That seems fair to me.

And if it’s about being “fair” we’re faced with that age old question of “what exactly is ‘fair’” and which one of Big Guy’s czars gets to decide?”

What do you say we play a few rounds of the Is this fair? game. Like Jeopardy, it’s divided into several categories.

Is it Fair? Unfair weight distribution category:




Is it Fair? Unfair big brain distribution category:


milton & the Bernak copy

Is it Fair? Unfair job opportunities due to political connections category:

people chelsea clinton-1607764236_v2.grid-3x2 Chelsea Clinton, MSNBC commentator

santitaSantita Jackson, new Fox contributor

hillary gets a pillow for her back state dept budget hearingHillary Clinton, Secretary of State

bo he man prez reading classified documents

Is it Fair? Unfair wealth due to family/marriage category:




Is it Fair? Do we really want to go there? The fairness route? If so who do you think should be our fairness czar? Here’s a hint as to whom Big Guy is leaning towards Wright now: a man who has been preaching about how to make life fairer for most of his life by railing against “rich, white people.” And trying to set the record straight on a whole bunch of “White supremacists” – and one Black Supreme:


jw & copy

Anyway, Big Guy is droning on in the East Room about how his Buffet “fair share” rule could just as soon be called the “Reagan Rule” (do we really want to go there?)

obama-reaganI think not.

On another front: all hell’s broken loose again with one of Jim Messina’s (another of Big Guy’s winners in the Big Brain category) Tweet Wars: This time Jimmy had Big Guy send out a new hashtag asking his Obots what they think the additional revenue from implementing the Buffet Rule could do. It was promptly Occupied by the R-words astroturf conservatives.

Screenshot Studio capture #478Screenshot Studio capture #480Screenshot Studio capture #481

and my personal favorite:

Screenshot Studio capture #479

Ah yes: you’ve been here too long. Time to go now.

Screen-shot-2012-04-09-at-6_12_39-PMAnd take your little meat puppet with you.

Linked By: Larwyn’s Linx on Doug Ross@Journal, NOBO2012 on Free Republic, and Blonde on NewsBusters, Thanks!