There isn’t much to report today. This year’s Science Fair, hosted yesterday by Big Guy – a.k.a. “Dr. Science” was a real dud. Not even half as exciting as as last year’s winning entry, the rocket-fueled marshmallow launcher:
Marshmallow Launcher Wins 2012 Science Fair and a Defense Department Contract!
The rules were changed this year, prohibiting all military style weapons from the competition. Also in short supply this year: cute little white boys in glasses.
This year’s science fair seemed to focus more on diversity and political correctness than actual science.
Diversity ‘R Us; Science R’ Second: Making the Science Fair more “fair”
Although we did have some great green-energy science projects – like this collapsible, transportable, bicycle powered emergency water-sanitation station.
In case the sequester cuts result in a disruption of your municipal water supply.
Oh sure, there were still a few robots in this year’s winners of the country-wide science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) competitions:
“If you could teach it to make shave ice, I’d buy one.”
Butt since the Big White doesn’t recognize the existence of “enemy combatants” they weren’t permitted to do anything fun. Like, say, launch an attack on rival student science project entries.
The one exception to the new “no anti-personnel devices” rule in this year’s Science Fair was a rocket powered by a renewable alternative energy source; corn syrup I think:
“Nicely done, boys. Say, do you think you could make this into a drone?”
Apparently nobody on staff, other than Joey B, is aware of just how dangerous corn syrup is.
Hands down though, the winner of this year’s Science Fair project was this unique device:
The BHO-OBOT Mind Melder, re-election edition.
Big guy was so impressed with its powers that he immediately placed an order for 350 million.
Now I really must run. I need to clear out last year’ stock from my little MOTUS Boutique to make room for the new spring stock.
“Quackus Maximus” Lame Duck Presidency product line, arriving soon!
I may be posting a little late tomorrow. I’m flying to MOTUS Boutique headquarters, and as you all know, it takes a little longer (like 3 hours) to fly anywhere commercial these days – thanks to the Republicans heartless sequester cuts. And since I’m no longer permitted to fly on Air Force Won Too (also due to sequester cuts) I have to factor the extra 3 hours into my flight plan.
UPDATE: This Just in - New Flyover Fest pictures from the MOL’s posted to the Vicarious Images from the FFF. Including the “amazing” water falls of Sioux Falls. Thanks for the pics FOM’s! What a great looking crew!
Linked By: BlogsLucianneLoves, and Free Republic, Thanks!
Cross-Posted on Patriot Action Network