Crimean voters took a historic step yesterday, voting to secede from the Ukraine and submit return to Mother Russia. The votes were actually counted before the polls opened in order to keep things moving on schedule. In honor of this historic day, I thought you might enjoy a review of the event as it unfolded, in image and song: Scroll, baby, Scroll! (Or is that skol?)
See? Just like Stalin promised: free elections!
Voters in Crimea walk to polling stations to cast their votes
Armed Russian troops guard the polling stations to protect the “integrity and fairness” of the vote.
No! Wait!
Ok… That’s more like it.
“WTF? I need a Russian issued ID to vote???”
Casting ballots on the question: “All Crimea Are Belong to Mother Russia?”
Exit Polls Show A Heavy “Da” Turnout
Although There Were Reports of Scattered “Nyet” Votes…
“Nyet” Voters Awaiting Relocation to Their New Siberian Home…
So my advice, in the future: put your money on Putin. Because remember:
Now that Pooty has made it clear how easy it is to call for a (successful) secession vote, I just want to mention that it might start giving people around here ideas. And depending on which state votes, they may either vote to join Mother Russia, or form their own new country.
Linked By: Larwyn’s Linx on Doug Ross@Journal, and @MuseumTwenty on twitter, and BlogsLucianneLoves, and NOBO2012 on Free Republic, Thanks!
Cross-Posted and Featured on Patriot Action Network