Surely You Jest: A heartbeat away?
“My God you have survived and you have soared. It was worth it, I mean it sincerely, just to hear you speak.” - Joey Biden, Biddening his own remarks at the Boston Marathon Memorial.
We really need to get someone to follow Joey B around with a mop and bucket to clean up the pieces of his brain that he leaves scattered in his path. On second thought, a tea cup might be sufficient.
I don’t remember falling down this rabbit hole!
Oh well, it’s not as if Joey was hired for his brains.
Turn the super-secret document around Joey. Is it any wonder pool photographers are banned from these events now?
He was added to the presidential slate because of his common touch:
His ability to relate to the common man:
Hi, my name’s Joe, I’m the guy who won’t be able to help you. Butt have a nice day.
And the common man’s woman:
And for his ability to get things done behind the scenes:
Yeah, that’s right, I’m the director.
With unwavering cheerfulness:
And enthusiasm:
All while managing to juggle multiple assignments:
Not too fast Joey: brain freeze!
Here’s the bottom line: as long as you’re “clean and articulate,” it doesn’t matter if your brain is white, black or black and white.
And just because your brain fits in a teacup doesn’t mean you’re unfit to govern, butt unfortunately for Joey, size does still matter.
Butt you just keep running Joey; America’s starting to get used to operating with little brains.
Linked By: Larwyn’s Linx on Doug Ross@Journal, and @ValCSilver, @FarNorthDallasT on twitter, and BlogsLucianneLoves, and Free Republic, Thanks!
Cross-Posted and Featured on Patriot Action Network