Tuesday, May 13, 2014

If Obama had a son, he’d be just like Mike Sam. But he wouldn’t play football.

There were 256 players selected in the 2014 NFL Draft. Michael Sam, the only openly gay among them, was selected by the Rams (no off-color jokes, please) on the 249th pick – that’s seventh from last in case you still haven’t mastered your Common Core number pairs. Yet he was the only newly drafted NFL player to be singled out by the President of the United States:

“The President congratulates Michael Sam, the Rams and the NFL for taking an important step forward today in our Nation’s journey. From the playing field to the corporate boardroom, LGBT Americans prove everyday that you should be judged by what you do and not who you are,” a White House official emailed to ABC News.

Michael is a great looking guy, and I’m not just saying that because he’s gay, butt I don’t think that’s why Big Guy gave him the high fives. I think it’s because he’s so good looking that he reminds BO of himself, in fact, if Big Guy had a son, he’d look just like Michael Sam!

sam camissono hoodies

That’s Michael in the hoodie on the left. That’s Vito Cammisano (you can call him “Cammie”) with him, his boyfriend of two months. They were both really excited about Michael’s pick, as you can see:

article-2625377-1DBC9E0E00000578-839_634x658Michael and Cammie share some victory cake and kissy face

Besides Michael reminding him of the son he doesn’t have, it also reminded BO that he could have been a professional gay football player model too;


if it had all been just about making a lot of money, instead of fundamentally transforming Amerika.


Although last January BO told David Remnick that he wouldn’t let his son – if he had one - play football:

Reports of multiple concussions and retired players with early-onset dementia had been in the news all year, and so, before I left, I asked if he didn’t feel at all ambivalent about following the sport. He didn’t.

“I would not let my son play pro football,” he conceded.

And while you might perceive that comment – made while watching a Miami Dolphins–Carolina Panthers game – to be a tad hypocritical, let BO set you straight:

“At this point, there’s a little bit of caveat emptor,” he went on. “These guys, they know what they’re doing. They know what they’re buying into. It is no longer a secret.

So, got that little people? Caveat emptor! And he said it without a hint of irony or TOTUS!

obama-with-sheepIs it just me, or do those sheep look nervous?

Despite the fact that if people had actually paid attention to his admonition and conducted proper due diligence, he never would have been elected in the first place. Wow! That’s a professional wordsmith at work right there.

And had people followed his advice, he would have been freed him up to spike the ball and follow his bliss in some other field of endeavor; someplace where the consequences of taking a risk on an amateur wouldn’t have been as risky.


I’m thinking advertising, he has that suave Jon Hamm Mad Men look about him:


Both coming and going.

bo air force one coming and going

So, another barrier to equality has come down. You may recall, Lady M was the first to acknowledge this historic event when she Tweeted last February:

"You're an inspiration to all of us, @MikeSamFootball. We couldn't be prouder of your courage both on and off the field. -mo." 

Remember, the signature "mo" signifies Lady M cared enough to send the message herself, as opposed to the other 99% that are sent by the staff of OFA.

Maybe MO can talk to her BFF Anna Wintour and have a fantasy football spread included in a future issue of Vogue. I’ve got a few ideas if it’s a go…


Linked By: Larwyn’s Linx on Doug Ross@Journal, and @tremain21, @ironmike009, @Standlow on twitter, and BlogsLucianneLoves, and Free Republic, Thanks!

Cross-Posted on Patriot Action Network