Tuesday, December 30, 2014

The Audacity of Kwanzaa

No word yet on how the Wons will be celebrating Kwanzaa this year. Unfortunately they were unable to make it to the big Kwanzaa parade in Los Angeles. BO was too busy playing golf with the boys – oblivious of the wedding plans that were squashed in order to accommodate his tee time - and MO was too busy having her nails done or something.

However I did snag this gif of Lady M practicing her Kwanzaa Karols:

Anyway, it doesn’t sound like the Wons missed anything, fake news reports to the contrary: In LA, CBS Station Pretends There Was a Real Kwanzaa Parade Yesterday


Lack of interest didn’t stop a good opportunity to hype a fake holiday however:

CBS Los Angeles - Organizers named the theme of this year’s parade “Perfect YOUR Temple,” or body. They said it was “a call to arms in our constant and ongoing efforts to `perfect’ our lives.”


mo garden1What pray tell do you do when your temple’s already perfect?

The gwaride began at the corner of Crenshaw and Adams boulevards, headed south along Crenshaw to Leimert Park, where organizers held a “Black Lives Matter” rally.


Cop Lives Dont Matter GraffitiAll lives matter, it’s just that some matter more than others

Some participants walked the parade carrying signs underlining important issues to the community, such as police brutality, home foreclosures, judicial corruption, transparency in government and environmental racism.

Because nothing says “holiday” like community organizing for social justice. And “shopping.”

fergusonshopping in fergusonPoster boy for the “Pants Up Don’t Loot” backlash

During Kwanzaa, a candelabrum called a “kinara” is lit and ears of corn representing each child in the family are placed on a traditional straw mat.

kwanzaa-seven-symbolsIs it racist of me to think this vignette looks…racist?

African foods such as millet, spiced pepper balls and rice are often served. Some people fast during the holiday, and a feast is often held on the final night.

Okay, 1) uh, NO to the millet, spiced pepper balls and rice. 2) Fast? On vacation? That’s a joke, right? 3) Every night is a feast around here.

Kwanzaa was created in 1966 by Maulana Karenga, now chair of Africana Studies at Cal State Long Beach, in what he called “an audacious act of self-determination.”

Well, we do know a thing or two about “audacity.”

audacity of hope

Linked By: Larwyn’s Linx on Doug Ross@Journal, and BlogsLucianneLoves, and Free Republic, Thanks!

Cross-Posted on RedState and Patriot Action Network