Monday, October 31, 2016

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween! It’s the day ghosts across America get out and vote, either early or absentee.


And when they do, they overwhelmingly vote Democrat.


So get your black hat out:

black hat society

Pick up some treats

halloween candy cornThe original food pyramid

Don’t forget your costumes – for you and your best friend:

halloween kitty hostagesblog

Load your iPhone with some appropriate music:

halloween jazz playlist

And cook up something a little spooky for dinner.

halloween ghost potatoes

Just for today try to forget about the Republicans’ “politics of destruction,”


and try not to think about DJT’s demeaning objectification of women:

jLo moons for hillarySpecial concert to support the Nasty Woman. When others take it high, we take it JLo

Seriously, I know Progs believe that women should all vote with their vaginas -

obama's lady parts

butt JLo really takes that concept to a whole new sub-floor level. I wonder if it leaves Lady M shaken to her core.

Also try to ignore Harry Reid’s current ruse. His latest “Pants on Fire” Four Pinocchio allegation is that Comey is suppressing information about Trump’s ties to Russia. It carries exactly as much veracity as his lie that Romney didn’t pay taxes for 10 years.  Progressives really need to review the moral of The Boy Who Cried Wolf.

Anyway, big preparations are underway for tonight’s last historic Obama Halloween party at the Big White. I’m sure it will be another eye-popping affair.

bomo halloween6

Linked By: Larwyn’s Linx on Doug Ross@Journal, and BlogsLucianneLoves, and Free Republic, Thanks!