Monday, November 27, 2017

Nobody Digs a Rabbit Hole Like a Progressive

Once you embrace the progressive premise that the ends justify the means the destruction of civilization follows on quickly.First you have the feminist’s opinion that it doesn’t matter if men are falsely accused of sexual abuse as long as it helps dismantle “the patriarchy” – as if patriarchy is a real thing in 21st Century America, home of the fatherless family.

Next thing you know the NYTimes posits that it’s okay to sexualize children for the cause of genderqueer.

genderqueer kids

Meanwhile an Indiana University Healthcare system nurse believes that “white women raise terrorist, rapist, racist, killer sons” and thinks that they should all be sacrificed. Specifically, Taiyesha Baker tweeted: “Historically every son you had should be sacrificed to the wolves. B****.'  Wow, how would you like Taiyesha being in charge of your white son’s nursing care?

Taiyesha BakerThis is Taiyesha, she “likes bongs”

Yet somehow we - the deplorables - are the racists in this equation?

And still…they can’t figure out how Donald Trump won the presidency?

trump racist deplorables


Administrative Note: Will be out of pocket as Raj is having some minor surgery which still somehow requires most of the day.

Linked By: Larwyn’s Linx on Doug Ross@Journal, and BlogsLucianneLoves, and Free Republic, Thanks!