Friday, March 2, 2018

Peacock Ascending

Can you believe it, #FLOTUSFriday already! 

Screen Capture #106FLOTUS looks magnificent at the WH Opioid Summit

And speaking of magnificent, did you see this photograph that Son of Sobieski posted of a peacock taking flight a couple of days ago?

peacock in flight

Lovely as it is I’m afraid my previous WH assignment has ruined me for peacocks. Ever since Lady M’s 2009 impersonation of a peacock with the fennel harvest in the Organic Garden of Good and Evil™


  and again at the 2010 harvest,

peacock blue2010

every time I see a peacock that’s all I can think about. So it could well be PTSD, but when I laid eyes on that exquisite peacock ascending all I could see was Lady M:

Lady M peacock in flight-4 copy_thumb[2]

I take comfort in the fact that she finally found a frock that doesn’t make her butt look big.

Now I have to run: I have a few finishing touches to put on the decorations and I still have snacks to make for Janice the American Elder’s retirement party, being held in the Twilight Nocturne Lounge tonight, 7 –9 PM EST. Don’t miss it, there might be virtual prizes!

Linked By: Larwyn’s Linx on Doug Ross@Journal, and BlogsLucianneLoves, and Free Republic, Thanks!