Saturday, May 19, 2018

Let’s Get This Party Started!

To be clear, I have zero interest in the Markle Sparkle. But a combination of creaky bones and allergies that have packed my sinus cavities with concrete got me up extra-early so I switched on the TV and between a choice of mass school shooting coverage and wringing of hands and a royal wedding I’ll take the royals.


A royal wedding outside of Hollywood is a strange affair in the 21st century. Sort of an anachronism within an anachronism.  My only comment is that there hasn’t been so many people of colour at a British royal wedding since, well, ever.

markle mom

The spectacle will be awesome, what with all the royal hats.


And I understand the meat pies are pretty good too.


I tell you what, I’m going to turn the reins over to you for commentary on the fashions, guests and food. I hope everyone enjoys the wedding. I can neither confirm nor deny that the official wedding cake is the classic Spotted Dick.


Take it away folks, I understand the nuptials are about to begin. Let’s get this party started!

Linked By: Larwyn’s Linx on Doug Ross@Journal, and BlogsLucianneLoves, and Free Republic, Thanks!