Monday, October 21, 2019

Hacking – With a Cloth or Something

Somebody has been keeping track of all of Hillary’s excuses for losing the election to President Donald J. Trump. It’s an impressive list:

1. Sexism
2. Racism
3. Misogyny
4. Xenophobia
5. Suburban women
6. James Comey
7. FBI
8. Russian bot  farms
9. Vladimir Putin
10. WikiLeaks
11. D.N.C.
12. Barack Obama
13. Joe Biden
14. Bernie Sanders
15. Anthony Weiner
16. Electoral College
17. Polling Data
18. Cable News
19. New York Times
20. Fake News
21. Bots
22. Facebook
23. Twitter
24. Netflix
25. TV Executives
26. ‘Anti-American forces’
27. Democrat documentaries
28. Low information voters
29. People wanting change
30. People who assumed she’d win
31. Republican Party
32. “Content farms in Macedonia’
33. Infowars
34. Goosefer
35. DC Leaks
36. Jill Stein
37. Steve Bannon
38. Voter I-D laws
39. Chief Justice John Roberts
40. KS Secretary of State, Kris Kobach
41. Citizens United
42. Colluding Trump officials
43. Benghazi
44. Rep. Kevin McCarthy
45. Gen. Michael Flynn
46. Julian Assange
47. Roger Stone
48. Reddit
49. Drudge Report
50. Alex Jones
51. Russia Today (RT)
52. Sputnik Network
53. Robert Mercer
54. Koch brothers
55. NBC’S Matt Lauer
56. Fox News Channel
57. Too Serious
58. Ten Year Old Hackers

That last one is one of my favorites:

“Every, you know, every Hackathon that happens, you know, 10-year-olds are hacking our voting systems and the networks that connect them.”

Make that 110-ten-year-olds and maybe she’d be onto something.

Always cover your mouth while hacking…

What – with a cloth or something?

Image result for hillary wiping with a cloth or something

Hillary, babe, I’m begging you: get over it. I mean, what difference at this point does it make?