Saturday, April 17, 2021

Waiting On The Talking Points

I told you this Jon Gabriel tweet attachment would prove to be as evergreen as his infamous 2014 tweet about all the racial healing going on.

media narrative chart

And the past month or so has given the media several opportunities to apply it.

Screenshot_2021-04-17 With FexEx shootings, America suffers 6th consecutive week with a mass gun shootings killingScreenshot_2021-04-17 With FexEx shootings, America suffers 6th consecutive week with a mass killing

Most recent is the FedEx shooting in Indianapolis. The MSM is now awaiting the race and religion of the shooter to determine whether to memory-hole the incident or blame all gun owners as mass murderers.

You can pretty much guess the race of the perp/victims of the other recent shootings by how much you’ve heard about each of them. For example, note how little you’ve heard about the Colorado grocery shooting where the shooter turned out to be a Muslim, and therefore another victim of America’s systemic racism and Islamophobia.

Not sure how we’ll proceed if the FedEx shooter turns out to be just another crazy white cat.

evil white cat

But I’m guessing more gun control.

That’s the ticket: more gun control and defund the racist cops. What could go wrong?