Saturday, February 12, 2022

Resist We Much!

There are millions of people who think Al Gore invented the Internet for the sole purpose of spreading cat videos.

We should not be surprised then that this led to cats developing serious internet addictions.

cat addicted to netCan’t stop watching the catjinks 

Which led to another sub-category of internet entertainment: videos for cats. Nine hours worth at a time for cats that have developed other serious personality disorders such as separation anxiety.

All of which explains the latest Internet assisted way to waste time. The meme is titled “There’s No Cat in This Picture,” in which there is. It started out easy enough.


But quickly escalated to expert status.


It was intended to help cats detox from their video addiction and reclaim their natural cat lives, pre-lockdown. It seems to have worked fine for cats but now people have become addicted to this meme and spend hours daily ruining their eyesight and practicing their mad cat de-camouflaging skills.

At least the truckers will have something to do while they continue to defy their respective government’s mandates and orders.

11546545_020822-wls-detroit-bridge-imgResist We Much!

UPDATE: Wretched Gretchen issues a warning:

"My message is simple: reopen traffic on the bridge.

In Michigan, our economy continues to grow because of our hardworking people and innovative small businesses. Now, that momentum is at risk. Commercial traffic is at a standstill at the Ambassador Bridge and heavily backed up at the Blue Water Bridge. 

The blockade is having a significant impact on Michigan’s working families who are just trying to do their jobs. Our communities and automotive, manufacturing, and agriculture businesses are feeling the effects. It’s hitting paychecks and production lines. That is unacceptable. 

Because lockdowns that ruin small businesses are only acceptable when government tyrants do it.