Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Fort Hood Memorial: It’s Not About Us. Or Terrorism, Apparently

A sad occasion, so let’s just say Lady M does not look awful and leave it at that. I think I can declare victory with the dress and jewelry, but respectfully deny any responsibility for the Klingon hairdo that I couldn’t talk her out of or otherwise deflect.

ft hood  The President and Mrs. Obama depart for Fort Hood Memorial

obamaarrivesThe Obamas arrive for Fort Hood memorial for our fallen heroes.

A sad day for the families and a sad day for America. But at least Lady M is starting to grasp the concept of appropriate mourning clothing. Although she’s sill trying to blame the last fiasco on her social secretary who put it in her Blackberry as “morning” ceremony for Medal of Honor winner.

It’s still uncomfortable duty for both BO and MO so we’re going to have a task force put together to figure out how to prevent other Islamic extremist officers from going rogue. Apparently it’s going to require more than Halal meals and time off for Ramadan.


praying for you