Monday, January 25, 2016

Snowzilla: That’s Mighty White of You

Snowzilla took the entire eastern seaboard down.

snowzilla eats new york

Les Nessman reported the breaking news:

(H/T: Jonah Goldberg.)

Barry used the anthropogenic climate disaster to take a little time off from his usual Sunday work day to appear on CBS' "Sunday Morning" where he revealed that - rumors to the contrary - he didn’t plan on running for a third term.

Because A) he’s tired: 


President Barack Obama says he wouldn't run for a third term even if he could. He says the presidency takes a toll on family life, and the office "should be continually renewed by new energy and new ideas."

B) he’s already done everything:


Obama tells CBS' "Sunday Morning" that he's not yearning for a third term is because he's confident that things are lot better in the United States than when he came into office.

C) it’s cramping his style.


obama-breakfast of champions waffles“I just want to eat my waffle”

Obama says the thing that makes him happiest about his presidency ending next January is a chance to get out of what he calls the "the bubble." That's what he calls the tight security controls over his travels outside the White House.

He said dealing with the bubble is "the hardest thing about the presidency." 

Obama CoffinsReally?

Then he lamented the increased polarization in the country:

The one thing that gnaws on me, is the degree of continued polarization. It's gotten worse over the last several years…


I wonder how that happened.

And now back to 24/7 coverage of the whitest storm to ever hit the east coast.


Linked By: Larwyn’s Linx on Doug Ross@Journal, and BlogsLucianneLoves, and Free Republic, Thanks!

Cross-Posted on Patriot Action Network