Saturday, February 11, 2017

The Only Thing We Have To Fear…

Busy week in Washington:

Betsy DeVos was confirmed as Secretary of Education – Oh no! Teachers unions will be hit hardest! 

An illegal alien felon was deported to Mexico amidst a huge amount of MSM fanfare; OMG, just like Trump promised!

President Trump criticized Nordstrom for dropping Ivanka’s brand. At least he didn’t accuse them of “acting stupidly.”

Jeff Sessions was confirmed  as Attorney General: The Washington Post wants you to know the 4 biggest things you should worry about as a result:

1) Sessions’s loyalty to Trump. [ed.So, Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch were…disloyal to Obama?]

2) The possibility of more voter suppression efforts and weakened civil rights protections. [ed. and that will be a problem because Sessions is loyal to Trump? That would never happen with Obama/Holder.]


3) Crackdowns on Muslims, undocumented immigrants and even critics.[ed. Again, Obama would never do that sort of thing.]

muslims tea partylois-lerner-irs_thumb

4) Sessions’s worldview. [ed. that one should have you quacking in your boots. It’s totally unlike Obama’s]

new world order

Relax liberals, the only thing you have to fear is fear itself.


Of course without fear, identity politics begin to breakdown so I see why it’s such an issue.

identity politics


Frankly I worry more about the stupidity of the American people who voted for Hillary. Right, Mr. Gruber?

Other Health Care Mandates

Linked By: Larwyn’s Linx on Doug Ross@Journal, and BlogsLucianneLoves, and Free Republic, Thanks!