Friday, October 6, 2017

FLOTUS FRIDAY – October 6, 2017

Did you know there is a woman in Texas who paid a fortune for 9 cosmetic surgeries to make herself look like Melania Trump? She looked perfectly fine before the surgeries but I guess if anyone can make you suffer from self esteem issues it would be Melania. 


Odd, isn’t it? Because during the entire 8 years of the Obama Occupation, during which Lady M reigned as the unchallenged fashion icon of America, I can’t recall anyone having even one cosmetic surgery to make themselves look more like Michelle.

I wonder why that is.

FLOTUS Melania, comforting Las Vegas mass shooting victim Thomas Gunderson:

gunderson melania trump

FLOTUS Michelle comforting Mark Kelly, husband of Tucson shooting victim Gabby Gifford:

mark kelly

 Certainly smells like racism to me.


What else could it be?

Linked By: BlogsLucianneLoves, and Free Republic, Thanks!