Friday, November 10, 2017

Twits and Tweaks Trump Might Tweet

I know it’s FLOTUS Friday and we’ve been oohing and aahing over her wardrobe choices all week but Melania is currently winging her way home via Alaska:

tweet vietnam alaska

To see the troops! Because it’s Veterans’ Day! (And it really is, I checked my calendar.)

So I think we should turn our focus to Vietnam where POTUS has landed to solve all the problems in the world including but not limited to the Russian collusion caper, all while continuing to live tweet.

So I thought it would be fun to play a new game, I call it WTTT - Would Trump Tweet That?  Here’s the first entry:

trump tweet copy

My guess: oh yes, Trump would so tweet that! The MSM will say that’s not normal; that it’s not normal for a POTUS to tweet at all, and it’s certainly not normal to tweak the Fake News twits in your tweet. But then, if he was normal nobody would pay attention, would they?

trump hair tweet

Here’s your Veterans Day Bonus round: Melania, in Red, White and Blue:

melania red white and blue

Be sure to post your own WTTT entry.

Linked By: Larwyn’s Linx on Doug Ross@Journal, and BlogsLucianneLoves, and Free Republic, Thanks!