Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Reparations: Not Just For Black-Hyphenated-Americans Anymore

Reparations? Yes. No, wait…not just yes, but HELL YES!

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And why not? Let’s make the riff between races in America more pronounced, let’s ensure the rent in our country’s social fabric rips deeper. That is definitely a winning strategy, if not for the country then at least for the Democrats. Because honestly what America needs most is less individualism and more tribalism.

So let’s do that thing; let’s cough up money from the public coffers to make payments to people who’ve never been slaves to anything other than the Democrats’ plantation mentality. Let’s make people who have never even entertained the idea of slavery let alone owned one pay atonement for the white man’s guilt. Why? Because collective guilt is such a great concept! That way White-Americans can all chip in to shoulder the blame for something they did not do in order to pay off the non-slave descendant victims-by-proxy. That’s a Win Win! for the Democrats.

So, who’s in? Almost every Democratic candidate for president, that’s who.

They’ve all kissed the ring of the  Rev of Rend Sharpton. The idea of the government paying reparations to African-hyphen-Americans as compensation for the enslavement of their ancestors.

Rev. Al Sharpton speaks during the National Action Network Breakfast on January 21, 2019 in Washington, DC. Martin Luther King III was among the attendees. How does this little gnat still hold such sway?

Paying reparations for the country’s past slavery assumes a collective guilt of the living for the sins of the dead. That makes as much sense as sending a murderer’s great grandchildren to prison 100 years later when DNA evidence proves their grandfather was a killer. Have we finally lost our collective minds? Let me rephrase that: have the Democrats finally lost their collective minds? Or have they simply taken pandering to the next level as there is an election on the horizon? I vote for the later.

Image result for sharpton national action network reparations

A parade of presidential wannabes and other Democrats took turns opining at the National Action Network conference — including Sen. Bernie Sanders, who reversed his opposition on reparations.

“I would say this, there needs to be a study.”

The Vermont independent was referring to a bill by Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-Texas) calling for a study of reparations for slavery and segregation. - NYP

He had no choice really, as he was preceded by Kamala Harris, Elizabeth Warren, Corey Booker, Kirsten Gillibrand, Amy Klobuchar and Beto O’Rourke all kissing the ring of reparations.

And despite the fact she isn’t old enough to run for President for another five and a half years, you’ll not be surprised to hear that AOC is on the reparation bandwagon as well. And from the sounds of her stump speech at Al’s National Action Network I’d say she’s definitely honing her platform for 2024 – at which time she figures America will be, like, totally ready for a financially illiterate Socialist Democrat. 

Image result for sharpton national action network reparations

“That is the moral political and economic underpinning of making bold investments and dignified jobs because that is the necessary plan to fix the pipes in Flint [Michigan] and clean the air in the South Bronx, and create unionized energy jobs for transitioning workers in Appalachia and West Virginia, for single-payer health care and Medicare-for-all and tuition-free public colleges and universities to prepare our nation for the future, and for the end of mass incarceration, the war on drugs, examining and pursuing an agenda of reparations and fixing the opioid crisis too.”

And when Sandy wins those reparations will not be just for African-Americans, but for all the marginalized, brown-skinned, illegal hyphenated-Americans who came here expecting a better life and were screwed by Trump.

Beto-I’m-Too-Sexy-For-For-My-Suit-O’Rourke votes #metoo! on reparations