Friday, November 20, 2020

Abandon All Hope

I still don’t know how to process all of yesterday’s weirdness. One would think that a room full of journalists - presented with specifics outlining how widescale coordinated voter fraud was executed against an American President during a supposedly free and fair American presidential election – would have been flying out the room by the hundreds in a rush to become real investigative journalists. Real journalists couldn’t wait to pursue this story and dig up more data (pro tip – no digging even required) further exposing this  massive fraud in pursuit of the once prestigious Pulitzer Prize.

Instead the journo-lemmings have all gone flying over the cliff of perfidy and are soaring towards its bottomless pit of woe.

Dante's Inferno: a helpful diagram to eternal damnation |

Well, technically it’s not bottomless, it ends with the 9th ring of hell which is reserved for the treacherous amongst us.

Quotes About Dantes Inferno Hell. QuotesGram

So traitors, have a nice life…and afterlife.