Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Happy St. Patrick’s Day: Let’s Be Careful Out There

Top ‘o the mornin’ to everyone and may the spirit of St. Patrick be with you throughout this fine day.

reagan st patrick's

At Zephyr's recommendation today’s St. Patrick’s Day post is dedicated to Succotash and her Irish roots. I do hope that freedom and justice – indeed the roots of Western civilization – are still alive and viable here in America where many of us are proud to have some of those Irish roots. In order for them to thrive once more we too need to drive the snakes out of the country. It won’t be easy.

st patrick driving the snakes out of Ireland

The hard stuff never is, but once their naked evil is revealed it will be somewhat easier.

st patrick and medusa

But please, do enjoy an Irish feast. Corned beef is fine, as we do need some protein. But as everyone knows, potatoes form the foundation of a true Irish feast.  I think colcannon is a most appropriate potato dish for celebrating, just  don’t forget to slather it in great amounts of butter. Traditional colcannon calls for any type of greens – collards, swiss chard, even (gack!) kale, but I prefer regular cabbage – the addition of green onions is tradition but optional.


Add a bit of Irish cheer if you’re so inclined – I understand that Guinness is loaded with iron so it’s good for you too.


And the Irish are all about your health.

irish pubs

So I leave you with this image of a St. Patrick’s Day aurora…

st. patricks day aurora

and an Irish prayer.

In thanks for the fullness of days spent together, the friends that we pray, will be with us forever, the feelings we’ve shared, the food and good fun, with faith that Gods blessings have only begun.

Now let’s all be careful out there.

St Patrick day humor bagpipes