Friday, March 19, 2021

Mmmmm – That’s Good Bass!!

Ladies and gentlemen, it is my pleasure to introduce the the 80 million vote man!

Oh yes, by all means, let’s have Joey, the most dubiously elected man in U.S. Presidential history debate Vladimir Putin live. That should be…classic.

Why is it this presidency seems more like an old SNL skit than history in the making?

Ask President Carter:

ask president carter"Just remember you are a living organism on planet Earth…"

Tom Brokaw Pre-tapes:

Watch Saturday Night Live Highlight: Tom Brokaw Pre-Tapes -"Gerald Ford shot dead today at the senseless age of 83."

Or, closer to the truth,  Super Bass-O-Matic:

snl-tv-prop-bass-matic-76-working_1_959f680f479bc84ee5077842e9f91d86“Mmmm - That’s Good Bass!”