Monday, November 22, 2010

MO’s Green Initiative: Grazing on the Grass

It it’s the Monday before Thanksgiving, it must be time for Lady M to announce an initiative that involves fat kids’ behinds. And right on cue with the rest of the turkeys debuting today, we’re scheduled to launch “The Great Salad Bar Initiative” This of course follows our previous initiatives of “Let’s Move” and “An Organic Garden in Every Plot” – the vegan version of the Hoover era’s prosperity pledge:

chix Just breathe in slowly, it won’t hurt. And remember, you’re covered by Obamacare now.

Now we’re bringing out the big guns to fight childhood obesity:  first up, none other than Iron Chef extraordinaire: Molto Mario!

 mario fashion

A survivor of childhood obesity himself, Molto wants to help out in any small way he can. For starters, he inked an article in Saturday’s Wall Street Journal. And while he didn’t mention Lady M and the Great Salad Bar Initiative (GSBI) by name, we know what he was angling at.

First he warned us about meat:

Industrial livestock farms are polluting and inhumane, and they account for much of the pathogenic bacteria, like salmonella, that end up in our meat and poultry (and even our leafy greens). They also sustain notoriously bad working conditions for the people that labor in them.

Then about fish:

I believe that Americans can learn to eat fish responsibly, sparing some of the more endangered species like Atlantic cod and grouper, just as fishermen can learn to accept seasonal quotas as a way to preserve jobs and income for generations to come.

All of which was just a warm up for the ultimate attack target – sugary beverages!

If Americans, especially younger Americans, keep drinking soda at the rate of 1,000 calories a day, we will continue to pay the price in higher rates of obesity, diabetes and heart disease.

Well folks, what does that leave us with? That’s right! Organic arugula! And Salad Bars!

Now don’t get me wrong – Mario has some of the handsomest restaurants in the country:

enoteca_bar Enoteca Bar, Las Vegas

And he makes one of the finest cacio e pepe outside of Italy:

mario's cacio

And he shares Lady M’s  unique sense of stylin’:

IRON_CHEF_MO-CROPPED_thumb[1] Lady M and Food TV chefs before the organic garden throw down

foodmario_batali_thumb Stylin’ with wiener casings: another thing MO and Mario have in common.


So don’t get me wrong, normally I’m a big fan of Molto’s.

Butt, after you read his article, I think you’ll agree with me that anyone pontificating that:

The issues surrounding food are not all black and white, good or bad. We must embrace moderation, from big business to the small producer, from steak to tofu

belongs behind the stove, not a keyboard. Sheeze, shut up and cook, already! (which reminds me: I still haven’t heard from Megyn Kelly and Professor William A. Jacobson regarding my suit against Dr. Laura Ingraham) Honestly, how many more amateur philosophers of food ecology do we need in this country anyway?

I do agree with him about one thing though, we should return corn to the status of “vegetable” instead of high fructose corn syrup and ethanol:

But farmers don't plant corn because they love corn syrup, or because they prefer seeing their crop used to fill the tank of an SUV with biofuel rather than to feed people in the developing world. They do it because it's how they can make money.

Thanks to government subsidies. Butt that’s for another day.

Today, we’re just celebrating the Joy of Arugula. Just in time for Thanksgiving.

Honorary Members of the Preach What You Eat club:
