Friday, January 14, 2011

Examining the Examiner



I know that some of you might consider the Examiner a second tier newser - butt this cub Tucson Vintage Fashion reporter – now she’s ready for prime time. I’m thinking maybe Ms.NBC.

Check out her article from yesterday:

“Michelle Obama came to Tucson yesterday with her husband, President Barack Obama, sporting an elegant, traditional outfit highlighted with the loveliest twists of vintage style.”


afwon  Elegant, traditional, twisted


“The two flew into Tucson on Air Force one for Tucson's "Together We Thrive: Tucson and America" event held on the University of Arizona Campus in McKale center.” 

sweater vest Coming in for a landing

“The event was planned as a memorial service for the fallen members of the Tucson community that were killed last Saturday, January 8, 2011, at the tragic shooting spree that took place in front of a Safeway grocery store. McKale center held its max of about 14,000 people as the president and other guests spoke brave and inspiring words to the community of Tucson, the citizens of America and viewers around the world.”

creepy inspiring

Brave, Inspiring

“ Michelle Obama patiently and tearfully listened to those on stage as she sat between her husband and Mark Kelly, the husband of recovering Rep. Gabrielle Giffords.”

cripes “Are you there God? It’s me, Michelle” from Cripes Suzette


“Rather than sporting an outfit of mourning to the memorial service, Michelle Obama wore a cream-colored sweater with a beautiful, dark, leafy, paisley-like design upon it, reminiscent of the '40s and '50s. The design swirled across the front of her cardigan had only one simple button at the top.”

empathetic face

Dark, leafy, swirly and very tiny

“The pattern seemed to be there to simply catch the eye and add a touch of elegance. She wore it over a dark top with a knee-length purple skirt that also seemed to be from styles of the past.”


Seen in the past at the SOTU

 i3OPuTdJ2xxDIeNRo44uLo Congresswoman Shot Obama

Outgoing wind is somewhat better than incoming (h/t UnSkinnyMinni and MJ)

“Most viewers probably did not notice her perfectly fitting, simple black shoes, pointed at the toe, because they were too busy watching the service and her interactions with her husband and support of Mark Kelly.” 

whoops our spanx are showingmcl5  Perfect fit, except for the toes 


                                    Authenticmark kelly       

“The pearls around her neck added a vintage touch of class and dignity to her ensemble, which is difficult to pull off if you're not aged. As a young woman, Michelle Obama's pearls added sophistication and grace to her appearance in a unique way.”


 What is that unique smell?

“Her outfit seemed to fit the occasion perfectly, representing a sad day with dark undertones, yet also a moment of hope, color and light. Each piece came together as if planned, to beautifully remind us of the past, yet make us hopeful for the future.”

  queen_elizabeth_barack_obama_michelle_obama_2 sar_palin

An outfit from the past that likewise perfectly fit the occasion; reminds us of a hopeful future

“Michelle Obama looked just as we would expect the first woman to -- elegant, graceful, polished and dignified, yet she presented us with so much more... all without saying a word.”

whoops our spanx are showing “She presented us with so much more...” Whoops! Our Spanx are showing!

My, you really don’t get  much for $150,000 worth of tuition in journalism school any more, do you?

Butt maybe she could get a job at Mrs.O. Or maybe she is Mrs. O!

Linked By: Clarice’s Pieces @ American Thinker