Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Obama: Our First Black Jewish President


610xJordanian Press, Waiting for Abdullah

May is Jewish American Heritage Month in the U.S.and we are in full WTF mode, so naturally we had a Big White reception to honor the event. Butt we had to squeeze it in between a meeting with Jordan’s King Abdullah in the morning to discuss ways to minimize Israel’s influence further peace in the Middle East, and the weekly Big White pizza night.

King AbdullahThe King and I

Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, recently anointed as the chair of the DNC, was "one of the driving forces" behind the creation of Jewish American Heritage Month according to Big Guy. Debbie discovered that they were one of the few minority groups that didn’t have its very own month to air grievances and immediately set to work legislating this deficiency away.

Jewish Heritage moBig Guy reaches out to his Jewish constituency ahead of 2012

So now, thanks to Debbie’s intervention, American Jews no longer need to settle for assimilating – and quite successfully it seems - into the American fabric. Now they, too, can be victims. And let’s face it, victims are a much more reliable Democratic voting block.

Now that Sergeant Schultz is head of the DNC, she’ll be responsible for keeping her tribe in line in order to help us WTF.


Unfortunately, Lady M was unable to attend the reception due to a scheduling conflict: our weekly pedicure. Because it’s the time of year when we move out of these:

amd_sneakers_obamaand into these:







Big Guy used the occasion to  reaffirm his "unshakable support and commitment" to Israel. Oh oh. Sgt. Schultz may have to explain to her peeps why Israel has to give up their independence. All this is ahead of a major policy speech on the "Arab spring" on Thursday at the State Department and a meeting with Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu on Friday.

The reception was very nice, and despite what you may have heard the guests were NOT required to use the back entrance.

Here are Big Guy’s remarks, a shout out to Debbie accompanied by one of his funny  “short” jokes and complete iPhone coverage:

Pandering – it just never gets old.

Linked By: Larwyn’s Linx on DougRoss@Journal and Thanks!