I’m sure you got your email from Lady M:
Barack and I have so much to be grateful for this Thanksgiving, and that includes people like you who've been by our side, working for change right from the beginning. Because of your hard work, passion, and dedication, we have accomplished so much over this past year. We've continued to create jobs and rebuild our economy. We've cut carbon pollution so we can preserve our environment. We've witnessed historic victories for equality across the country, all the way to the Supreme Court. And soon, millions of Americans will finally have access to quality, affordable health care -- many for the first time. Before we all celebrate with our personal traditions tomorrow, I want to start a new one -- I'm hoping that you'll take a moment to share what you're thankful for this year: http://my.barackobama.com/Give-Thanks OFA will be gathering some of these notes and sharing them on BarackObama.com. I can't wait to see what you have to say. Thanks so much for everything you're doing -- and from our family to yours, happy Thanksgiving. Michelle P.S. -- As you spend time with loved ones this holiday season, be sure to talk with them about what health care reform can mean for them -- OFA has some tips to help get the ball rolling. Paid for by Organizing for Action Contributions or gifts to Organizing for Action are not tax deductible. This email was sent to: motus@whitehouse.gov Organizing for Action, P.O. Box 66732 Washington, D.C. 20035 |
And, like me, I’m sure you already clicked the linkie and submitted some of the things you are thankful for this year:
Be sure to snag a screen shot so all of us can enjoy, vicariously, what you’re grateful for too. Just a word of caution:
Don’t use your real email address. NSA’s already got it!!!
Linked By: Clint Counts on facebook, and BlogsLucianneLoves, and NOBO2012 on Free Republic, Thanks!
Cross-Posted on Patriot Action Network