Thursday, January 29, 2015

Hippos. In The Soup.

Well here’s the verdict from the Newspaper of record, it’s another case of much ado about nothing: Michelle Obama Praised for Bold Stand She Didn’t Take in Saudi Arabia.

So we’re officially bored with the story now that archival evidence has emerged of not just former Secretaries of State, Madeline Albright and Condoleezza Rice meeting with the King of Saudi Arabia sans headscarf, butt - quelle surprise! – former SOS and president-in-waiting herself:

hillary 2012Did you have a question Abdul?

My favorite headshot from the archives though has to be Nancy Pelosi from 2007, because you can tell that she’s been recently plastered. Honestly, these last 8 years have been tough on her; all that expensive spackling has developed deep cracks and fissures.


Although maybe I still have a bit of a fever because everytime I look at these pictures I keep getting flashbacks of Fantasia.


Anyway, the whole headgeargate was a rather boring story to begin with and now, gratefully, we can drop it. And nobody’s happier about that than Lady M who somehow found the whole trip boring.

mo india saudiThey don’t call it “bitchy resting face” for nothing

And that’s all the news I’ve got today because, to be honest, I’m still feeling a little under the weather. I spent more time watching the puppy pile than the news yesterday. I think I could use some soup; maybe you can help out. I’ve progressed beyond chicken broth, so how about your best soup recipes - preferably one that would go well with these cute floating hippo balls I found while I was goofing off:


Not as cute as the puppy pile, butt then…you can eat them.

So I’ll provide the directions:


For 8 bread hippos:

  • 16 frozen bread rolls (I used Rhodes dinner rolls)
  • Butter
  • Black eyed peas
  • Black beans
  • Your favorite soup or chili

How To Here.


hippo stewYou can even make hippo puppies


If you can provide me with some soup recipes, I’m sure I’ll be back up to snuff tomorrow. And while I pretty much like any kind of soup, I should mention that there is someone around here that isn’t all that fond of broccoli, so maybe any other kind would be good.

Linked By: Larwyn’s Linx on Doug Ross@Journal, and BlogsLucianneLoves, and Free Republic, Thanks!

Cross-Posted on RedState and Patriot Action Network