Saturday, February 21, 2015

Funny Or Die? Every vote matters.

I was going through my mailbag yesterday to see what I missed when I ran across this promo from last week:

Screenshot Studio capture #2023

My first thought was, “You’ve never been to my website, have you Nick?”

Butt even though I’ve  no idea who Billy on the Street is and never heard of Ariana Grande, I decided to play along - because they obviously don’t know who I am either.

So, I watched it, the entire, tortuous 12 minutes 35 seconds. All I can say is entertainment isn’t what it used to be, butt then, what is? With that in mind, I’m sharing Nick’s exciting FLOTUS-Big Bird episode as a Public Service Announcement to remind everyone what happens when you abandon all standards of decorum. I mean, what’s next – FLOTUS doing interviews while eating Fruit Loops out of a bathtub full of milk?


Anyway, I remind you that you needn’t watch the whole video - in fact I doubt you can even if you want to – in order to vote; because informed voting is so racist. My recommendation is to skip ahead at several minute intervals just long enough to get a flavor for how moronic Imbecilic inane bizarre the segment is.

Also, be sure to tune in tomorrow when I reveal the episode’s accompanying new recommended Dietary Guidelines. They are from the much anticipated Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee’s  (DGAC)  571-page report of recommendations to fundamentally “transform Amerika’s food system.” If you thought this segment of “Funny or Die”  was funny, wait till you see the sequel!



And don’t forget to vote: your opinion counts! As often as you want it to because in Amerika these days, Chicago rules are in play.

Linked By: Larwyn’s Linx on Doug Ross@Journal, and BlogsLucianneLoves, and Free Republic, Thanks!

Cross-Posted on Patriot Action Network and RedState