Friday, March 6, 2020

FLOTUS Schools the Pols On Color

Hillary Clinton started it: kaleidoscopic pant suits.

Image result for hillary clinton pant suitsShort ones, long ones, collared, collarless, in every imaginable hue

Democratic National Convention August 26th, 2008:

Image result for elizabeth warren jackets orange

A couple of men of men standing on the stage holding up two blazers a piece — red, tangerine, pale teal, and a calm light blue — to determine which color would look best under the lights when Clinton gave a speech in support of her party's nominee, Barack Obama.

Other female politicians attempted to followed suit.

Image result for elizabeth warren unitard suits with colored jackets

Image result for elizabeth warren unitard suits with colored jackets

Lizzy went full Hillary, with ultimately the same electoral result:

Never go full Hillary 

Turns out they were doing it wrong. No need to go all Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test.

Image result for melania trump in black

Image result for melania trump in black

Image result for melania trump in blackBasic black is just fine.

Save that “pop of color” for your feet.

melania trump, celebrity style, christian louboutin so kate pumps, black dress, striped pumps, First Lady Melania TrumpInternational Women of Courage Awards Ceremony, Washington, USA - 04 Mar 2020

Christian Louboutin So Kate Cinestripes Melania Trump wore.Christian Louboutin So Kate “Cinestripes.”

Plus in a pinch (such as a “no gun” zone) they will serve as a very lethal weapon.