Saturday, August 7, 2021

Happy Birthday Party Obama: I Hope It Doesn’t Rain

Apparently I was one of the people dropped from the Obama 60th birthday invite list after they were forced to pretend to “scale back” to “only family and close friends” amid COVID-19 concerns – or more accurately, due to criticism regarding their lack of concern about COVID-19. As you may recall from my very first dispatch about my assignment as the Mirror Of The United States, artifice and illusion has always been the most the Obamas have to offer.

I certainly understand the need to scale back previously planned and paid for social gatherings in these dangerous times, but so far the only people uninvited to the birthday bash seem to be TOTUS and me.


And while I hate to cry “racism!” in an already crowded arena I will note that we were the only techno-gizmo guests on the original guest list and now we’re the only ones excluded. I’m beginning to feel a bit like a token and to be honest I can’t help but feel a little used. But as I’m not one to hold a grudge I hope the ex-POTUS and FLOTUS enjoy their really big party on the Vineyard.

obama-birthday-bash-204A birthday banner adorns the outside of Barry’s Vineyard estate.

And I would like to commend them on the foresight to have a COVID-19 hospital erected onsite in preparation for a potential outbreak at the Super-Spreader event.                   

obama birthday

It looks like everything’s under control here. Maybe they can work on the southern border next.