Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Primary, Colors: Put your best typeface on

Short post today – we have to get ready for the annual National Design Awards luncheon at noon today. Tim Gunn is going to be co-hosting with Lady M!

timm gunnMaybe Tim could make the Big White his next Project Runway

This is one of my favorite Lady M events. All that creativity in one room! And then all the designers too.

This year’s honorees include Matthew Carter for his lifetime achievements in typeface designs that include the Verdana and Georgia fonts for Microsoft. You might not think of typeface in terms of design. I never thought about it much myself until I read this article about typomania. Apparently it’s a very serious affliction. I believe we’re considering launching a campaign to find a cure. It might be next year’s National Day of Service project.

Anyway, just to keep you up to date; Big Guy’s hitting the road today with his Big Jobs pitch. We’ll be hitting John Boehner’s and Eric Cantor’s states today, to undermine their entrenched position against adding another $.5 trillion to the $1.5 trillion the Super Committee already has to whack out of our $14 trillion deficit. I know Big Guy said his Jobs, Jobs Jobs plan was paid for, butt  certain pundits have called that “cynical.” Well, technically, Mr. Krauthammer said “the word ‘cynicism’ is inadequate here.” Butt I think he just doesn’t understand the nuances of Big Guy’s Big Jobs bill.

And now that Dr. Phil is back on prime time, I was wondering about calling him in about a potential Big White issue. I think we could make use of his years of training in couples therapy.

bo-mo-hot dogNo, don’t be silly. BO and MO are doing as well as they ever have:


I’m more concerned about the rumored breakup of another Big White couple who seem to be having some issues:

232x322bo joeybojo2

BO and Joey B in the Rose Garden yesterday, announcing our “Big Effen Jobs Bill”

I don’t think Joey B’s going down without a fight. Rumor has it that he might just primary challenge if he’s thrown under the bus. Stay tuned.

Got to run. I have to reset all my vertical, horizontal and color pixels for the big design awards ceremony.