Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Real Hoaxes of Washington D.C.

Did you see this? After all these years, all those books, all the movies and the TV mini-series – it turns out that Sybil was all a big hoax!

Imagine: three women fabricating a mental case like that completely from whole cloth!Seriously, can you even imagine three evil women conspiring to perpetrate a fraud like that? Foisting a hoax like that on the whole country?

mo ladies

Incomprehensible, really.

Butt back to Lady M news: Did you see the announcement about her new book: the working title is “American Grown”

mo american grownOther suggestions included “American Groan”     H/T MommyLife

On the cover, Lady M holds a basket containing an artful collection of eggplants (dark and light skinned) red peppers, green and yellow tomatoes (butt no red ones?!), Swiss chard, zucchini blossoms, cucumber and corn.  Yeah, sure they look good, butt don’t forget about the great apple expose. I’m not saying they’re all fake, butt we all know now that what you see, may not necessarily be what you get. You know, “objects in rear view mirror may be closer than they appear” distortions?

Obama family arrives at US Capitol prior to inauguration swear-in

As you might guess, MO is simpatico with the POWS, especially the one from the other day who wishes she knew how to grow a garden. Lady M wrote this book with people like her in mind: “Because we get so many questions about the garden: How did we do it? Why did we do it? How do I do this in my own home or community?”  Real questions, real answers.

Anyway, the working title for a while was “American Made.” We were going to use the double entendre to run a special promotion: “if you pre-order today, you get a free Birther mug or tee-shirt from Big Guy’s re-election campaign for free!”

birther geer

Butt the publisher didn’t like the cheap, exploitative aspect of this idea and ditched it in favor of “American Grown.” I still think the cross promotion could have worked great if they hadn’t decided to use fraudulent vegetables in the cover shot. That just opened a whole new can of worms.

Meanwhile, more controversy re-emerged yesterday concerning this odd photo from last April that popped up on IOTW:

 granny hand iotwBO, MO and the Hand of God?

Conspiracies galore ran rampant on the innertubz until someone finally tracked down this old Chicago Trib article that blew the lid on the whole story. Turns out it was just GrannyR (again, with the invisible hand) completely blocked out by MO’s huge, uh, backwards belted raincoat flapping in the breeze. In the following frame however, you can see various other GrannyR parts and pieces emerging, divulging the truth of the third hand. Like I said, read all about it in the Trib.

mo and granny dismount

So what is the moral of this story? I think it’s fairly obvious: “Who you gonna believe? Me or your lyin’ eyes?”

      bo and tinybo-fingerbo wrinkled browLYIN EYES-3


Choose wisely, weedhopper.

Any way, more fun today! We’re hooking up with Rhambo back in Chicago to give supermarkets an ultimatum on the food deserts that they’ve created in the Windy City. Everyone seems to have forgotten the fact that Chicago’s own City Council fought against letting Walmart build a store on the South Side for years: the very locale where Lady M and Rhambo will be hectoring people today! I just don’t understand politics very well. Butt I think I’ll have lots of opportunity to provide helpful pictures from today’s photo op and campaign stop!

Oh! And speaking of campaigning: Big Guy will be hobnobbing in Hollywood this week in order to raise that billion dollars he needs to campaign for reinstatement. That’s bound to provide lots of good visuals as well.

bo hollywood star